Dance For Me (Claude x Reader)

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this is an original x reader! enjoy!


Claude's POV:-

Location: Unknown

"Ugh, Claude! I can't do this anymore. My feet won't carry me any further!" A certain pink-haired comrade of mine yelled out as she plopped down onto the grassy path we were walking down together.

"Hilda, I'm sorry. I'm truly trying my best, we all are. Surely you can hold on a bit longer?" I said, with a weak smile, completely exhausted myself.

"I must admit that Hilda is correct for once. Claude, I can barely feel my legs either. We've been walking for hours and we don't even know our current location. We can't keep going on like this." Ignatz said, with a fatigued sigh, and sat down on the green ground next to Hilda.

"The sun is about to set too. It'll get cold soon." Marianne quietly mumbled out and glanced at everyone expectantly.

I slowly inhaled and breathed out to calm myself. I'm the leader of the Golden Deer. I have to take initiative in situations like these.

"There's smoke coming from over there!" Leonie abruptly shouted out, pointing towards the woods parallel to us, startling everyone.

Smoke...that means that there's a village nearby.

"Come on everyone! Just a little bit more and we'll finally be able to rest for the day." I beamed, trying to encourage my friends to move.

A few groans could be heard, but eventually everyone began to follow me once more.

Into the dark tall-tree woods we headed.


After marching through the damp forest for some time, we finally reached the small village that we had earlier questioned the existence of.

"I'm so hungry! Let's find a place to eat." Raphael whined and immediately began to scan the area for a place to eat at.

"I'm more sleepy than hungry in all honesty. Why don't we look for an inn to stay at first? Any thoughts Claude?" Lorenz said, with obvious exhaustion, and turned to face me expectantly.

"Someone carry me, I'm completely fatigued!" Hilda shouted out dramatically and began to lean on Ignatz. This garnered some discomfort from the spectacled male.

"I think we should find out what this village is even about first. We could be in enemy territory right now. We don't have a single clue about our surroundings." Lysithea mumbled out as she scanned the somewhat lively village before her.

I was beginning to get frustrated at the many voices that rang out in unison from around me.

"Everyone!" I suddenly yelled out, causing my comrades to turn silent.

"We'll split up. This place that we are now standing in is our meetup spot. We'll reunite at midnight to discuss our accomplishments.

Hilda, Lorenz, and Raphael! You three shall find an inn for us to stay at. Leonie, Ignatz, and Lysithea! I want you to talk to the villagers and get to know our location and our options. Marianne, you're with me. Don't forget that revealing your identity is forbidden. Golden Deer, set out!" I ordered, earning an obedient nod from everyone.

They all rushed away to do what they had been ordered. Only a certain bluenette stayed by me.

"I'm sorry Claude. I understand how tired everyone must be, but you're the one suffering the most as our leader." Marianne said, in a sullen tone, as she turned to look at me with sympathy.

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