The Park Ranger & The Dragon's Child

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(Just really felt like writing this. This the second meeting Abbi and Colvin have after she bandages his wing. This will also be told through both their perspectives so I'll give you a quick guide to let you know who's perspective you're reading. Just to warn you, this is kind of long because this turned out longer than I thought it would be... Well... Enjoy! :)

Abbi's POV

Colvin's POV

Abbi quietly moved through the vast thicket of trees as she made her way towards the river. Trying as best as she could not to make a sound as she anxiously looked around, pushing her glasses up as she did so.

It had been three whole days since Abbi had seen that... strange boy... She could still hardly believe it even after the first time she came across him.

When she had heard that pained growling by the riverside, she had expected to find either an injured wolf or bear. Definitely not a teenage boy with cat ears and dragon wings!

One of his wings had been torn and bleeding. And the dragon boy was dipping the wing into the water to try and wash the blood off. around him was a small group of deer that kept nuzzling him as if in a attempt to ease the pain. 

Though Abbi's mind had told her to run, her heart went out to the poor thing. And so pulling out a small first aid kit from her bag she approached the dragon boy.

The dragon boy immediately noticed her and growled sharply, warning her to stay back. And though it startled her, Abbi was not deterred and kept approaching. Albeit more slowly this time.

She held her hand out in a attempt to calm the dragon boy. It seemed to have effect as he began to cease his growling but still eyed her wearily.

Once he completely stopped growling, she quickly took some bandage wrap and ointment and set to work on the dragon boy's wing. He hissed a bit, when she put the ointment on where it was bleeding. But he did not attack her. 

When she finally finished, the dragon boy looked in wonder at his patched up wing and made happy chittering sounds, smiling gleefully.

However, the moment was cut short when Abbi heard Chenoa calling for her in the distance and the dragon boy, on all fours, ran off into the dense forest.

Since that day. Abbi couldn't stop thinking about him. She didn't dare tell Chenoa and the others about her experience, they wouldn't believe her!

And against her better judgement, She decided to go looking for him. But to no avail. It seemed impossible.

Today appeared to be just as unfruitful as she saw nothing out of the ordinary. So she turned to go back

Only to come face to face with a pair of dual-colored eyes.


Greatly startled, Abbi fell painfully backwards to the floor as the dragon boy peered down at her, head tilted in seemingly confusion at her behavior.

Well... She found him...


Colvin kept moving his wing back and forth as he sat on one of the branches of a large oak tree. It was feeling much better now, but he still wasn't ready to fly again.

He knew he should be trying to get back to the tribe, but ever since that day on the riverside, he couldn't stop thinking about that human that had helped him. 

Elder Kenan had warned him and the other Dragon Children to not let themselves ever get seen by a human. And he had been so agitated by the pain of his wing, he had failed to sense her until it was too late.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2019 ⏰

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