More Info On Colvin & Lou

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Let's start with Colvin first.

1. Even though he really isn't technically a cat. He does possess some cat-like qualities. For example, if you were to lightly scratch behind his ears or under his chin, he WILL start purring. And don't get me started on how he'll react to laser pointers!

2. Colvin's senses are very heightened. He has a very strong sense of smell and his ears can pick up the sound of a pin dropping 60 feet away. His eyes also allow him to see in the dark.

3. He is very interested in human literature. Especially Sci-fi books. Whenever Abbi goes to visit him, she'll often bring a book along and read it out loud to him. (Since he doesn't how to read.)

4. As friendly and happy-go-lucky Colvin is most of the time. There is a side of him that can be very dangerous.

If Colvin is very badly hurt... Or extremely angry/stressed to the absolute breaking point. He'll undergo a change called "Full Dragon Mode".

When this occurs, Colvin will lose all rational thought and become feral, letting his primal instincts take over. In this mode, he's likely to attack anyone. Whether they be friend or foe. 

Luckily, Abbi is able to snap him out of it. But Colvin fears that his "Full Dragon Mode" will cause him to do something irreparable. And there fore goes through intense training in order to control it.

Now onto Lou.

1. Though he acts like he doesn't care, Lou secretly LOVES getting affection. And tries to soak it up as much as he can when he receives it. The reason being at how he was so badly treated by his older brother, Dreadal.

2. But as affection-starved as he is. He absolutely will NOT let anyone he doesn't like even touch him. For example, if Hazel tries to hug him, he'll quickly move out of the way.

3. Lou's body is littered with scars given to him by Dreadal, mostly on his chest and back. He will only let those he completely trusts see these scars...

4. Lou's surprisingly very easy to fluster. Once, while watching Disney's Cinderella with Crystal. When Cinderella got married to her prince, Crystal innocently asked Lou if she could marry him  someday... He was a blushing, stuttering mess for a whole ten minutes! XD

5. Lou secretly resents the fact that he was born a monster... And wishes with all his might that he could be truly human... 




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