
47 1 13

Age: 17(?)

Gender: Male

Species: Monster

Voice Actor: Jerry Jewell

Introducing the main antagonist for "My Monster Nanny"

A monster who takes the appearance of a seventeen-year-old boy, who is the leader of a group of human criminals known as "Jackal's Fang" And Lou's older brother. He has shaggy white hair and pure red eyes that have no pupils. (He wears sunglasses to hide them.) He also has fangs.

Dreadal is cruel, sadistic, and has a very violent temper. The only thing he cares about is getting what he wants, and he will anything to get it. Even if means sacrificing the lives of his own men.

Despite being brothers, Dreadal holds no love for Lou. And enjoys making him suffer. He also doesn't understand why Lou cares so much for, in his words, "A pathetic little human who'll only despise you once she sees what you truly are."

Just like Lou, Dreadal is stronger than the average human and can manipulate weak-minded humans with his eyes to do his bidding. And if he feels like it, he'll change into his HORRIFYING monster form to torture people.

For some reason, Dreadal himself doesn't go after Crystal and sends his men to do it instead. He claims it's because it would be "too easy". But he'll sometimes come along just to play with Lou.

Trivia: He got the name "Dreadal" due to the fact that his men always "dreaded" being called to see him. Alone.

If you want learn more about how monsters work in "My Monster Nanny". Please check out the book for yourself which is on my profile. DragonKeeper24 out!


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