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The other main character for my upcoming original book: "Mythical"

Age: 170 (Biologically 17)

Gender: Male

Species: Dragon's Child

Voice Actor: Robbie Daymond

A member of the Dragon's Children tribe that lives hidden from humanity in Maxia National Park. Colvin has large emerald dragon wings speckled with black. Scales that completely cover his arms all the up to the elbow. Claws and fangs. Unruly black hair and eyes with blue irises and green sclera. And large black cat-ears.

Colvin is free-spirited, adventurous, and a bit of a goofball. But can be serious when he needs to be. Abbi found Colvin when he had gotten a wing injury from his rival, Rashkar. Making him unable to fly for while, so Abbi nursed him till his wing got better. After which, Colvin develops a particular interest in the young human woman. (Like Tarzan had for Jane! XD) 

Thanks to his dragon heritage. Colvin has incredible speed and strength as well as the ability to breathe fire. His scales are impenetrable to most weapons and his claws could scratch a diamond. However, one whiff of a hydrangea flower and he'll get a little tipsy. (Hydrangeas being like catnip to dragons.) 

To repay Abbi for her kindness. Colvin helps Abbi with her park ranger duties. As well as help her stop the corrupted owner of a logging company from getting his hands on Maxia National Park.

Trivia: One of my main inspirations for Colvin were these two pictures someone did of a humanized Toothless.

Trivia: One of my main inspirations for Colvin were these two pictures someone did of a humanized Toothless

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I don't know who made them

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I don't know who made them. But creds to them

My other main inspiration was Chat Noir. (Not the current one. The original concept design. With the blue eyes with green sclera. Plus, I thought the cat ears would be cute! :) 

 Plus, I thought the cat ears would be cute! :) 

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Trivia cont: Until Abbi taught him how to speak. Colvin could only communicate with clicks and trills. As well as growls.

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