Crystal and Lou's first meeting

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(Just let me point some things out here. Monsters like Lou don't need to sleep or eat normal food. Instead, they feed off a mist-like energy called Dreamia that humans give off while they're asleep. Children give off more Dreamia than adults, so monsters prefer to hide in their rooms. There are also two types of Dreamia. Pleasant Dreamia and Nightmare Dreamia. Monsters who prefer Pleasant Dreamia will just let the child peacefully sleep and then will be on their way. But those who prefer Nightmare Dreamia... I don't think I need to explain that...)

The sun was setting as the young monster in his human form wandered the streets. It had been days since he had gotten a decent amount of Pleasant Dreamia and so was searching for a home with children to sneak into to get some.

"Man. Does nobody have any kids around here!?" He sighed, aggravated as he failed to sense any children around the stuffy looking neighborhood. "I mean, c'mon! Someone's got to have at least one child around here!" 

Just as he was about to give up, he heard the faint sound of someone crying...

Curious, the monster followed the sound until it led him to a large estate. The crying sounded like it was coming from inside the walls surrounding it. On the wall next to the gates was a plaque that read 'The Stairwell Estate'.

"Huh. Pretty fancy-looking place." The monster mumbled to himself as he took it all in. 

He then climbed up the gates and dropped down in the yard below. He knew he was trespassing, but he really wanted to know where that crying was coming from. Besides, it's not like they could catch him... 

After searching the grounds for a bit. He finally found the source of the crying.

A little girl, probably no older than four-years-old, was bawling her eyes out and banging her tiny hands on a door to the house. Apparently she wanted to go inside.

The monster could hardly believe it. Why was such a young human outside all alone? Especially as it was getting darker...

And why wasn't anyone letting her in? Surely someone else had to be hearing her cry! ... Or had she been purposely shut out? 

As he watched the poor girl continue to yell her lungs out and bang on the door, he couldn't help but be reminded of something.

Something from his past...

Very slowly, the monster approached the little girl until he was completely behind her.

The little girl, sensing him. Ceased her sobbing and turned around to stare up at him with big shining amber eyes, flecked with green.

The monster, unsure at what to do. Merely stared back.

Then after a few moments, a big smile appeared on the the girl's face. Letting out a happy giggle, she rushed at the monster and hugged him.

To say the monster was surprised would be an understatement. He was utterly shocked. Of all reactions, he was NOT expecting this.

Most humans who saw him often shied away from. And those who didn't would try to pick some kind of fight with him. 

The little girl let him go and then reaching her arms up towards him and going on her tippy-toes began chanting the words: "Uppy! Uppy!" 

"Uh... What?"


"Wait... Are you asking me to pick you up?"


"Okay, okay! Just stop saying that!"

The monster gently picked up the girl so that she was nestled in his arms. The girl then let out a small yawn and placed her head on his shoulder.

"Kid..? Hey..." 

But there was no answer, for the girl had already fallen fast asleep.

"Oh great... How did I get myself in this mess? ... Well, let's see if I can get her inside at least."

The door was locked, so he tried knocking. There was no answer. He tried knocking again, but still no one came...

"Are you serious!?"

After the third knock, he was considering breaking the door down, but that might be going a bit too far...

The monster was then drawn out of his thoughts by the gentle stirring of the child as she moved about a bit to make herself more comfortable in his arms.

That's when he finally noticed. The little girl hardly had any hair on her head. There were a few wispy hairs strewn about. But other than that, she was basically bald.

"Huh. That's interesting... Is this why you were shut out..?" The thought made him really angry for some reason.

"Well, looks like I'm stuck with you. At least this way, I'll get some Dreamia..." 

Even as he said that, the monster didn't really feel annoyed at the aspect as he did earlier. If anything, he felt a strange peace holding the fragile child in his arms. Something he had never really thought he'd ever feel...

And that's how they stayed the entire night. The monster gently rocking the sleeping little girl and keeping her warm while feeding off her Pleasant Dreamia.

When morning finally arrived, the sun was spilling its rays upon the two. And someone began to open the door...

Thinking fast, the monster gently laid the girl on the grass and hid her shadow. (Monsters can hide in shadows.)

"Crystal Stairwell! There you are!" An middle-aged woman bellowed out as she stomped over the little girl who was just barely waking up.

"Where have you been!? I was searching for you all night and I couldn't find you!"

'Must've not have searched that hard if you hadn't noticed she was outside...' The monster thought inside Crystal's shadow.

"Anyhow, you seem fine. So thankfully President Stairwell won't fire me. I really like this pay... Now come inside you naughty girl!"

The woman then somewhat roughly picked up Crystal and brought her inside, and unknowingly the monster as well. 

When they were inside, the woman put Crystal down. "Now don't get into any more trouble, you got that!" And with that, she left the room.

Once the coast was clear, the monster slipped out of Crystal's shadow. "Man... Is she bad at taking care of kids or what?" 

Crystal giggled happily at seeing him again and gave him a hug. "So... Crystal huh? That's a really pretty name." The monster mumbled, giving her a pat on the head.

"Hmm... That Old Crow's not doing a very good job of taking care of you, is she?" 

Normally, The monster would have just taken Dreamia then would leave. But after last night, he couldn't help but feel like this little girl needed him...

"Well." He sighed. "I can't believe I'm saying this... But I guess I'll have to do her job." 

Crystal giggled again. "Lou!" She chirped. 


"Lou! Lou!" She chirped again over and over. It seemed that she was giving him a name.

At seeing her happy face. Lou couldn't help but chuckle and softly smile back.

"Okay... Lou it is." 


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