Chapter 25

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William felt a hand moving in his, he sat up and looked into a pair of sea green eyes. His prayers had been answered after all. He couldn't believe his eyes, could this be a dream? He pinched himself and knew then that it wasn't a dream. 

William laid his head close to her's and smiled" I have been waiting for you princess to awake from your slumber."

Holly smiled and laced her fingers through his" exactly how long have I been asleep?"

William cracked a grin" well sleeping beauty, you have been sleeping for a month."

Holly's eyes got wide, " I missed our wedding day?"

William let out a loud bark of laughter," don't worry, I have been waiting for your lazy bum to wake up."

Holly went to move her arm to playfully swat at him, Holly grimaced" why do I fill so stiff and sore?"

William smiled" well Miss Campton, you have injured yourself tumbling down that ravine, don't you remember?"

Holly shook her head" no, I don't member anything, how did I tumble down into a ravine?"

William was a little worried," That story is for another day, I just want to make sure that you are okay. Since I have to get the doctor, and everyone will want to come in and see you. I would rather be the only one right now, but everyone else has got to have the good news." 

Holly nodded" Please don't leave me, I know that this is silly but I want you to stay right here with me."

William chuckled" sweet heart I am not going any where, you can bet your last coin on that."

William let go of her hand and walked to the door, a maid was walking by and he signalled to her." I need  the doctor now, and please send my family and Miss Campton's here immediately!"

The maid curtsied and ran down the corridor, William walked back to Holly's side.  He sat in his spot and was bracing himself for what was going to happen. He decided to get them back for forcing him to take a bath. Which now he was happy about, since he didn't smell bad. He told Holly to close her eyes, and when everyone came into the room to yell Boo! 

Since Holly loves a good joke, she went along with it just for the fun of it. She just had to keep a straight face long enough to pull it off. That was the only hard part, but she was up for the challenge. William was chuckling at her attempt to just lay there not moving, he was so happy that she was back. 

Their family came running with worried expressions on their faces, they all crowded into the room. The Duke looked at his son" What's the emergency that the doctor had to be summoned?"

"BOO!" Holly opened her eyes with a wide smile across her face. Everyone jumped a mile into the air, Holly started to giggle. Martha and Anna screamed,Lindsay started to giggle" Holly, your awake!"

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