Chapter 24

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William walked into the house, everyone was looking at him with sorrow in their eyes. He didn't want to look at them, it would just hit him and he wouldn't be able to face Holly. The doctor walked up to him" Your Grace, I wanted to ask you if you would do something  experimental to see if Miss Campton would respond to."

William looked at him" Exactly what is this experimental idea? The question is how will it help Holly?"

The doctor walked him to Holly's room" you see sometimes when the one person or thing that the patient loves is put into the same room. The patient could respond to that person or thing and want to survive." 

William nodded " I understand, so what you are saying my presence could give her reason to fight to live?"

The doctor nodded" Yes, and since you are the only one that hasn't been in to sit with her yet. It just might be what she is wanting."

William walked into the door, he saw a lifeless Holly laying on the bed. He swallowed as he sat down in the chair next to the bed. She was so pale, even though she had bruises all over. Her hair was a matted mess, he thought she was still beautiful. He picked up her hand and held it in his, he watched as her eyes were rolling around under her closed lids. The doctor watched as he saw how tenderly he touched her. 

The doctor watched as Holly's eyes which had been moving constantly under her closed lids seemed to stop. It was like she had been waiting for him, that was a good sign. He closed the door with instructions" If any change please come and get me." 

William nodded, he brought Holly's hand to his lips and kissed it. She seemed to be fighting but would that be enough for her to come back to him? He laid his head down and started to cry out his misery, she was his life and he needed her. How was he to go on living without her?


The doctor walked out with a smile on his face to sit with everyone else. The Duke noticed this" doctor, has something happened?"

The doctor shook his head" no, she is the same but I am trying a different kind of treatment with her."

The Duke looked at him" What kind of different treatment? Do you think she will pull through?"

He smiled" I am sure that Ms. Campton will pull through now, your son is with her and she seems to be at peace now. She has seemed to have gained some strength just with him there."

The Duke looked at him" So she's going to live?" 

The doctor nodded " it's still to early to tell but when he picked up her hand in his, she calmed down. It was like she has been waiting for him."

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