Chapter 32

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Holly woke up to the sound of birds singing outside her bedroom window. She sat up quickly waking Lindsay," I am getting married today!" She twirled around the room in her night dress, Lindsay groaned" What time is it?"

Holly looked at the clock on her mantle" It's eight in the morning, we have over slept!"

Lindsay sat up in bed, she flung her legs over the side of the bed and jumped to her feet. She winced at the pain that shot through the bottoms of her feet. Holly rang the bell for hot water to be brought up so that they could bathe. Both girls started to giggle as they danced around the room.

Within a few minutes two brass tubs were carried in and set up for the girls to have their baths. Hot and cold water mixed to be the right temperature for their baths. As they sunk their bodies into the warm soapy water they bathed their bodies. They were going to smell like roses and freshly bathed. They rushed through their toilette's, just to have their ladies maids come in to help dress them.

Holly was getting nervous as the morning progressed, Jessica arrived and was sitting with them. Her lady's maid had already finished with her. She didn't over sleep like they did, she looked so pretty. Holly only wished that she could be just as pretty as she was. 

As their hair was getting done, they could hear Martha screeching in the other room. " My baby is leaving me today and becoming a woman!" 

Holly felt bad for her mother, but she had to leave the house sometime. She wanted to be married to William, and she was getting herself strong for tonight. She didn't know who to believe, Jessica painted a perfect picture. Her mother painted a scary one, who was right?

As they listened to Martha whine about not having a child here, and that they would be all alone. They couldn't help but giggle, she was just going on and on. Holly was surprised that her mother was acting like this over her. She had her favorite daughter and it wasn't Holly, it was Susan.

Susan was always here, she lived on the property with her husband and child. Martha had insisted that when she got married that she was not to move to London. Of course, since her husband was always on business in London they rarely got to see one another. She was always depressed, and so was he.

Martha just needed to deal with the fact they are all grown up and married. She was making a mess out of Susan's marriage and trying to prevent her's. She needed to be slapped, not that Holly was going to do it. But someone close to her, should shake some reason into her. Poor Susan was so miserable, she wanted to be with her husband. But Martha would always throw a fit if she even mentioned his name. 

Holly was going to help her sister, she was after all the one out of all of her sister's that was kind to her.  Holly had enough of this, wedding dress and all she walked out the door and into the next room. " Mother, get a hold of yourself!"

Martha sniffed into a hankie," I can't I will be left all alone when you marry."

Holly stamped her feet" Look I know you mean well but this is got to be done. You are being selfish, you keep Susan away from her husband for your selfish needs. You are breaking a perfectly good marriage just so that you can have someone here. We love you, but we can't keep living here forever. We want a family of our own, but if you don't stop you won't have any of us. Susan is always crying because she wants to be with her husband. But you make her feel bad about wanting to be with him. How can you do that? I am sure that grandmother never did that to you."

Martha sniffed into her hankie again" I have had you children for so long and it's hard to just let go, I know that Susan isn't happy being here. But what am I going to do without any of you here?"

Holly sat next to her mother" you need friends to visit, find a hobby, find something you have always wanted to do and go and do it."

Martha looked out the window" How can I do those things now?"

Holly chuckled" please, if I know you as well as I think. You will find away, but let us enjoy our time with our husbands. You married father and had that time, we deserve that time too."

Martha sniffed" when did you get so wise?"

Holly smiled" well I have been through a lot and it kind of teaches you that you need to live while you still can."

Susan was sitting in the corner, she had a smile on her face for the first time in a long time. She mouthed to her sister" Thank you."

Holly mouthed back" Your Welcome."

After the talking to her mother, she finished getting ready for her wedding day to the most spectacular man she had ever met. It was going to be a joyous occasion, she wanted to tell him just how much she loved him.  

Everyone was downstairs waiting for the carriages to come around. Susan had a smile on her face for once. At least not just one thing came out of this but several, Lindsay had spilled the beans about being in love with Lord Jason Chandler. Now all Holly could hope for was Lindsay having a happy ending.

As the carriages came around, everyone waited outside to be handed up in a waiting carriage. It was a beautiful day to get married on. Holly was so excited and also scared at one time. She was the last to be handed up into a carriage. Her father and Lindsay were in her carriage, she felt comfortable for the ride to the ducal estate.

She was wondering just what was happening at the chapel. Was everything all in order? How was William holding up? She needed to think of something else, if she didn't she would be worrying over William changing his mind. She just hoped he would be waiting down the isle. William of course would be there, or would he?

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