Chapter 26

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Holly snuggled into Williams arms, her leg splints were coming off today. It also was her last day here at the Ducal estate. She was sad, she didn't want to leave. William was so warm and inviting, he held her close.

They were reading a book in the library, William carried her everywhere she wanted to go. If she said she wanted to sit outside for a bit, he would make sure she was outside in the warm sun.

She loved him so much, but the doctor would be here within the hour. They didn't have much time left together, the need to be with him was so strong. How would she be able to live the next few weeks without him?

William loved the feeling of having Holly here by his side. He knew that her family was coming today to bring her home. He wished that she could stay, but Martha was already waiting for her. She just had to wait for the doctor to take off her leg splints.

Neither one wanted to be apart, but since they have yet to wed they will have to be. The doctor walked into the library and smiled" well young lady, are you ready for your splints taken off?"

"Actually yes and no."

He looked at her" I would have thought that you would be glad to have it removed."

Holly shook her head" I just don't want to be apart from William that is all."

The doctor chuckled" I can certainly understand that, but just think next time you see him will be at the end of the isle."

William smiled down at Holly" I don't want you to leave either, but we have to do what is right. Besides the next time we see each other we won't have to ever be apart."

Holly smiled up at him" I guess I really don't have a choice do I?"

William and the doctor shook their heads, William turned her around to face him" it won't be to much longer before we won't have to be separated at all."

Holly nodded" I know, hopefully the days will pace fast. I love you to much to be seperated for to long."

William kissed the tip of her nose, and she snuggled closer. The doctor started to remove the splints, she winced as she felt her leg get lighter. She clung to William knowing that when the splint was off, she wouldn't be allowed to stay much longer. She was going to soak in everything about him to use with her memories till their wedding day.

William kissed her on the forehead, and steadied her on her feet. Her eldest brother was there to assist her to the carriage. William kept smiling but inside he was tore up about her leaving. He just had to keep in mind that is was just for a couple of weeks. She would be all his, and she would never have to leave again.

Holly looked over her shoulder, she had tears running down her cheeks. She belonged here with William and no where else. She loved her family, but she loved William more. She needed to be with him, she was a part of him. She just hoped and prayed that time wouldn't stand still until her wedding day.

As she watched the Ducal estate disappear in the distance, she felt her heart growing heavy. It was like she was leaving part of her behind. In many ways she was, she would be back in a couple of weeks. This was going to be a very long couple of weeks, and what was she going to be doing in those couple of weeks?


Everyone in the Ducal estate were not happy at all, that was because William wasn't happy. He had made a promise to Holly's parents that he wouldn't visit. It was because she was just at the estate with him for over a month. They wanted their time with her, especially since they were to marry in a couple of weeks.

For now he was going to focus on his duties, he was so behind in everything. He now had the chance to get caught up and get ahead. He threw himself into his work and watched as time passed by quickly.  Soon his beloved Holly would be back and she would be here to stay forever.

Lindsay watched as her brother was depressed over Holly. She knew that the Camptons wanted to have some time with Holly before the wedding. She could understand that,  since they didn't get to see much of her at all after the accident. Lindsay laughed with Holly on a daily basis, they talked about everything. She told her how they made sure that Will's had gotten a bath. Holly was estatic with laughter, exactly how it was done was so funny to her. 

Holly always loved a good joke, she loved to laugh when ever she got the chance. Which with William around she was always going to have something to laugh at. Time wasn't passing fast enough for them, the wedding was still a week away. William was getting more depressed by the day with no word from Holly.

Lindsay was going over to the Campton's estate to help with the planning. What William didn't know was that Holly was going to write him a message and send it through her. That should cheer her up, and it should cheer him up. Especially if they both got a message from each other. 

This was going to be one of the best things she had done for the both of them. She just hoped that this wedding was already here. She hated to see her best friend and her brother unhappy. She knew that they should be allowed to contact each other before the marriage took place. May time fly for the two she loves and cares about. So that they can be in each other's arms again, seven more days to go. How was she going to help that along?

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