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Donghyuck woke up early the next day. Not because of nightmares, but because of the sun that was escaping into the room and into his eyes.

He winced as the light burned his eyes as he opened them. He rubbed his eyes and found that Taeil had turned over and was back to back with Hyuck.

He was relieved. It meant that he could get out without disturbing his hyung. Jaehyun was sat in his bed reading a book.

"good morning hyuck" Jaehyun whispered so the older would not be disturbed. Hyuck gave him a smile and proceeded out of the room.

When Hyuck got to his room he slowly sneaked in, only to find that Johnny was already awake.

"Morning Hyuck" Johnny said as he cheerful walked around the room, taking clothes out of his suitcase for the day ahead and packing the rest away.

"Morning Hyung" Hyuck said, still half asleep.

"where did you go last night?" Johnny asked, zipping his suitcase at the same time.

"I went to Taeil hyungs room. I couldn't sleep and you pushed me off your bed so I went to Taeil" Hyuck laughed as he remembered Johnny phsicaly kicking him out of hid bed.

"oh, sorry. Are you ready for today?" Johnny asked, his voice happy, making Hyuck smile.

"I think so," Hyuck looked down at the floor remembering their first performance but he knew he would do better this time.

"Good, we have promotions this morning then 2 hours to do prep before the show" Johnny explained before shutting the door as he entered the bathroom.

Hyuck walked over to start getting dressed before there was a sudden shriek of several different alarms going off. It was 8am so all the other members were now getting up.

Hyuck continued getting ready and went into the bathroom when Johnny was done. He put on a touch of makeup, brushed his hair and teeth them made his way to join the others.

Hyuck was feeling better today. Less depressed. Less sleep deprived and less worried. The others noticed this as he went back to being more like himself.


When on the way to the day's venue Hyuck noticed Mark staring at him from across the bus. Mark turned away, blushing when he noticed Hyuck staring back at him.

Mark had been looking at the way Hyuck was glowing today. He was radiating happiness. The whole group was in a better mood today.

They had all had a good night's sleep. They all had a good breakfast. Proption went well and they were all excited for the performance.

Because Hyuck had gone back to being more like himself he was talking alot more to the others meaning him and Mark were talking less.

When at the venue, after having his hair and makeup done and he was dressed. Hyuck just sat in his room going through social media, he was talking to the dreamies about how they were doing and checking twitter and Instagram.

There was a loud knock on the door and tall male figure walked into the room.

Taeyong sat down next to Hyuck and looked over his shoulder to see what he was doing. He was quick to snach Hyucks phone from his hand.

"we are doing one last rehearsal before the fans arrive, come on" Taeyong placed Hyucks phone on the table at the side of the room before dragging the younger to the stage where the others were waiting.

They didn't manage to finish rehearsing before they got warning that the fans were about to come in. The boys quickly rushed off the stage just managing to escape before the fans started flooding in.

Just before they were about to go on stage Mark managed to pull Donghyuck to the side.

"you OK?" Mark asked Hyuck, knowing how he had been last time, he was worried. The truth was Hyucks nerves were only just kicking in, so he was a bit jittery.

"y-yeah, im f-fine. We've got this" he said feeling comfort in his own words.

"yeah we do" Mark smiled before doing his and Hyucks handshake for luck. They ran over to the others just before they went on stage.

When on stage Hyuck felt a rush. It was a familiar feeling. Similar to the one he felt when they first started performing as a group.

Everything was going well. The fans were loving it. The boys were performing really well.

It wasn't long till Hyuck had calmed a bit. He was begining to feel more comfortable as the show went on.

As the boys ran off the stage at the end of their performance, Mark noticed Hyuck was crying again. He quickly rushed over to be boy who was red faced.

"we did it" Hyuck said happily, breathless from their performance. "I didn't freak out or panic and it all went well" he smiled as he ran to Mark who hugged the younger.

"then why are you crying" Mark asked as he felt his own eyes begin to well up at how happy Donghyuck was.

"Im just happy." he tiptoed and kissed Mark on the cheek before running to the other boys.

Mark laughed at how cute the younger was. It reminded him of the first time Hyuck debuted with the group. He was a nervous wreck but after performing he was over the moon. Mark laughed again at the memory as he followed the younger to the other boys.


The boys had to sleep on the bus that night as they made their way to Miami.

Mark was sat with Donghyuck after the other boys had all called it quits and went to sleep in the beds that were on the bus.

Mark was writing in his note book and Hyuck was on his phone with his head resting on Marks lap.

Mark looked down at the younger and smiled. Hyucks hair was flopped over his tan skin as he was giggling at something on his phone, the light reflecting and making his eyes sparkle.

Mark swore you could see Hyucks smile from space it was so bright.

Hyuck looked up and noticed Mark looking down at him. He couldn't help the heat that was rising to his cheeks as he looked away then back to see Mark still staring at him.

"what are you looking at" Hyuck whined as he covered his face with his hands that were covered by the floppy ends of his oversized jumper sleaves.

Marks smile grew at the youngs cute actions. Mark pulled the boy up so Hyuck was sat on Marks lap. Mark had his harms wrapped around the younger waist.

"why are you so cute Donghyuckie?" Mark asked pressing a quick peck on Hyucks cheek.

"I guess I was just born this way" Hyuck said, sassy. Mark still found it cute and placed a peck on the younger lips.

Hyuck began to blush again but it was barely viable thanks to his tanned skin.

"I'm tired Mark hyung" Hyuck complained in a cute childlike voice.

Mark smiled at the younger again, "then sleep" he said pulling the younger closer so that Hyucks head was now resting in the crook of Marks neck.

Hyucks breath against his skin made him feel warm. He felt happy being this close to Hyuck, who's breath slowed.

The younger wasn't lying, he was exhausted. Mark could tell by how quick he fell asleep in his arms.

Mark smiled and slowly drifted himself,the warmth of the younger acted as a blanked, and soon all the boys were asleep.


Hope you all liked this chapter, it was fun to write.

To be honest Im not sure where I'm going with this so bare with me while I figure it out.

Plz vote and leave a coment what you would like to see and i will see what I can do.

Love y'all 😊👏💚

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