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The next morning the boys woke to Taeyong running around trying to find his air pods.

"uugh...hyung,what time is it?" hyuck groaned as he rolled over to face Taeyong who stood in their doorway.

"too early, go back to sleep Hyuckie." Taeyong said to the boy before closing the door.

But it was too late now. Hyuck was awake. He rolled over to face the alarm clock on the bedside table. 5:45am it read.

Hyuck rolled back over to see Johnny still asleep. Hyuck climbed out of his bed and lugged his tired body over to Johnny's bed.

He climbed on and hugged his hyung. In return he got a kick in the leg that caused him to fall onto the floor with a thud. Hyuck pouted to himself.

He got up and thought about what to do now. Then, Mark popped into his head. Hyuck smiled while walking to Mark and Taeyongs room. He was thinking of how cute Mark looked in the morning.

He opened the door to find Mark awake and on his computer sat in his bed. Taeyong was either still looking for his air pods or had gone out as his bed was empty.

Hyuck slowly entered the room and earned a smile when Mark looked up from his laptop to see the younger.

"How did you sleep?" Mark asked, tapping the space in the bed, next to him. Hyuck slowly walked over and sat next to Mark who wrapped his arms around the younger, pulling his blanket over the both of them.

"OK, I think there was a small rough patch but I slept through it" Hyuck hummed as he nuzzled into Marks chest. The warmth was comforting.

"OK, is there anything you want to talk about?" Mark asked, trying to get to one topic in particular.

"Johnny hyung told you didn't he," Hyuck mubbled, not really wanting to talk about it but also knowing that it would be a small weight off his chest if he did.

Mark hummed in return, lacing his fingers into the youngers hair and playing with a few strands.

"I'm fine, I just wasn't in a very good head space after the show yesterday." he whispered into Marks chest as he was getting comfortable.

"Okay."Mark said looking at how exhausted the younger looked in his arms.

"Okay" Hyuck mumbled in return, now half asleep.


While hyuck was sleeping Mark sat, gazing at Hyuck. He was perfect in so many ways but Mark never imagined that someone could be as perfect as Donghyuck while sleeping.

His hair was a mess and his cheek squashed into Marks chest. His snores small and perfect in Marks opinion.

The younger woke as Taeyong came storming into the room, surprisingly loudly until he saw the younger asleep in Marks arms, head resting into Marks chest.

But it was too late, Hyuck grumbled as he sat up and rubbed his eyes, looking over at Taeyong with a face that said it all. Taeyong smiled and blew Hyuck a kiss. Hyuck pretended to catch it but then gestured that he threw it on the floor and stomped on it. Taeyong pulled a shocked look, hand to his chest above his heart.

Hyuck had an evil look on his face as he walked out. All of this made Mark go off in a fit of giggles.

After the boys are all washed and dressed. They decided to go out for brunch before heading to Atlanta, where they have a show in two days.

When at breakfast everything went back to normal. Hyuck was happy, clingy and loud. This made the others happy. Hyuck was being contagiously happy.

The boys had a 13 hour drive ahead of them so most of them planned to sleep most of the way. Hyuck on the other hand was much too energetic to sleep. This unfortunately meant that at least one other member had to be up.


When halfway the boys stopped for dinner, this gave the younger chance to run around a little and release some energy before getting back onto the tour bus.

During the second half of the trip Hyuck slept most of the way, waking when they arrived at the hotel they were staying at for the next two nights.

Jaehyun had to give Hyuck a piggyback to his room because he was refusing to walk. Luckily it was late enough that there was no one around to see it.


The boys were all asleep when it started again. This time no one was there to pull him out. Hyuck couldn't take it. The voices just kept getting louder and the hold of his throat tightened. He was tossing and turning like mad and bearly breathing wich caused Johnny to wake.

Johnny panicked and went to get Mark and Taeyong. The three rushed into the room to find Hyuck awake and crying. His breaths heavy yet slow. Taeyong slowly approached the younger.

"Hyuck? Are you OK?" he asked even though it was the most obvious thing that he wasn't.

Hyuck shook his head in response not able to get any words out.

Taeyong quickly pulled the younger into his chest as his eyes overflowed with tears. Hyuck quickly pulled away from Taeyong, surprising the older.

"Get off me. I hate this. I feel like I'm crying non stop and I HATE IT!" He said, tears still pouring from his eyes. The older three looked at the younger not knowing what to do.

"Hyuckie calm down," Taeyong said placing a hand on Hyucks knee, but Donghyuck just pulled away.

"I CAN'T. I C-can't. Why can't I stop crying. Ahh!" the younger was now on the floor in a ball. Red with anger and the tears still streaming down his cheeks.

The older boys were scared now. What could they do?

Hyuck slowly calmed down left with just tears once again. Mark took his chance and walked over to the boy and slowly tried to pull him into his arms but Hyuck practically launched himself into Marks chest.

"w-wh-why C-can't I st-stop C-crying" he whined into Marks chest through the tears. Marks eyes were now on the verge leaking.

"it's OK to cry. It proves you have emotions" Mark said as he cradled the boy.

Taeyong and Johnny stood and watched as Hyuck slowly stopped crying as he was left with a blank expression. Mark pulled Hyuck away to look at him.

"Hyuckie, you good?" Mark asked, concerned by the way Hyuck went from too many to no emotions.

Hyuck nodded and pulled himself back into Marks chest. He felt safe there. It was as though when he was in Marks arms, nothing could touch him. It was like a shield from everything and anything.

Mark fell asleep first. Leaning his chin ontop of Hyucks head. Taeyong took Mark to his bed and went to bed himself leaving Hyuck and Johnny awake.

"Hyuck... What are your dreams like?" Johnny asked not being able to sleep and knowing full well Hyuck was still awake.

"Imagine that you have one thousand people all shouting something different at once, over and over again. Then, at the same time, someone else is tightening their hands around your neck and there is nothing you can do to stop it. That's what it's like." Hyuck explained surprisingly calmly.

"Oh, im sorry" Johnny said, sorry for asking, and sorry for the boy having to go through that.

"It's not your fault" Hyuck exclaimed. "just go to sleep. I'm fine" hyuck said, even if he knew he definatley wasn't fine.


I'm starting to think this story is just depressing. Sorry about that.

Anyway, Happy Birthday Mark Lee 🎉


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