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It was the last night before leaving to go to North America. The boys were having dinner at a small restruant not far from their dorm. Everyone was chatting and getting along. Even Donghyuck was getting involved.

The boys were there quite late but not too late as they had to get some sleep before their long day of travel tomorrow. Donghyuck lay his head on Marks shoulder as it got later. He hadn't had the most peaceful night before. As all the boys understood.

Mark felt bad, but he needed to go to the toilet. Donghyuck sat up from Mark to let him leave. He couldn't sit up properly so Taeyong told him he could rest his head on his shoulder.

When Mark got back he got a look from some of the boys as they placed their fingers over mouths to hush him. Mark smiled as he noticed Hyucks head sleepily resting on Taeyong. Hyuck was peaceful asleep. No restlessness. Just sleep. He looked so innocent but the boys knew better.

When hyuck was in a good moid he would pick on and tease any member he could, all the time, any day. He always had something sassy to say.

When it came time for the boys to leave, Johnny agreed to give Hyuck a piggyback back to the dorm. Hyuck had his arms around Johnny's neck, only just tight enough to hold himself up. Mark smiled as Hyuck bobbed a little with each of Johnny's steps. His head nestled onto Johnny's shoulder.

When they got back to the dorm, Johnny placed Hyuck just inside the lounge before making his way to his own room.

Taeyong had a small talk with the boy, telling him about the events of last night as the boy was not conscious for any of it. He gave Hyuck the tablets he had been given for the younger to take very night before bed.

"he said they are meant to clear your mind, to stop bad dreams so you can sleep better or something." Taeyong explained before handing the younger the drugs. He gave Hyuck a kiss on the cheek and ruffled his hair as he walked away.

Donghyuck sleepily nodded and made his way to his room. Mark followed closely behind, making sure the younger took the specified amount bofore laying down on his bed.

Donghyuck tapped the space in the bed next to him, where there was enough room for a specific person.

Mark made his way next to Hyuck. The second Mark was in the bed, Donghyuck was already burying his head into Marks chest. Mark wrapped his arms around the younger boy and pulled him in closer. It wasn't long before both boys had drifted off.

Mark woke briefly in the night to Hyuck shaking a little. Mark just pulled him in closer and he soon calmed down. Mark was dissapoited though because it meant that the drugs hadn't worked properly, or maybe it was just going to take time before they took full affect. What did he know. He shrugged it off and was soon back asleep.

The next morning Taeyong rushed around getting everyone ready to leave. They were about to go out the door when they realized they Hyuck hadn't packed anything because he had procrastinated out of fear.

All the boys quickly rushed to help. Donghyuck in panic state as he felt he had let the boys down by making them all stress about him in a time that was stressful enough for them.

Yuta and Winwin were quick to go to Donghyuck to calm him down. Reassuring him it wasn't his fault. It took a few minutes and a few more boys to finally convince him.

The boys carried their luggage out to the cars. There were too many of them so they had to split between two cars to get to the airport.

In one car was Winwin, Yuta, Jaehyun, Jungwoo and Doyoung. And the other was Taeyong, Mark, Taeil, Hyuck and Johnny.

On the way to the airport, most of the boys were too tired to even start a convosation. They all sang to a couple songs near the end of the journey. Hyuck slept on Johnny's shoulder for the last part of the car ride.

Getting through the airport was more difficult than expected. Two major issues ocuring, causing further issues.

The first problem was that one of the boys bags was accidently left in the car so a member of management had to run back and grab it, only just making it back in time.

The second problem was that some crazy fans decided to run at the group who were being escorted through the airport. Luckily the body guards were quick to act and stopped it almost immediately, before any harm was caused to any of the members, well, physically at least.

When on the plane the members took their seats. Mark sat next to Hyuck who was looking out the window, dazed by the recent events.

Mark placed his hand over Donghyuck. To this touch, Hyuck finched away a tear escaping down his cheek as he pulls himself into a ball,bringing his knees to his chest.

"hey, hey, hey. What's wrong?" Mark asks, worry stuck, as he watches the younger turn to face the window to the rainy outside, a few tears trickleing down his cheek every now and again.

Mark notices that Hyuck is shivering a little. Hyuck keeps thinking about how those fans had just ran at them like that, with full force and speed. How they were willing to risk everything just to get close.

Mark understood this as Hyuck hadn't quite gotten used to yet, whereas some of the other members, including himself, found it almost normal.

It took Hyuck a minuet to calm down but Mark was willing to wait. When they were in the air Hyuck was calm. He looked out the window at the cotton ball clouds below them.

About an hour in Hyuck was beginning to get a bit restless, teasing the other boys and messing around. He was bored.

"Maaaaarrrk... I'm bored" the boy stated, as if Mark didn't know already.

"Yes Hyuck, I know. What do you want me to do about it" Mark sighed with attitude. As much as he loved the boy he was getting on his nerves.

Hyuck pouted, thinking about what the older could do to make him less bored.

"why don't you take a nap" Mark suggests. In return he gets another pout from the boy, making him smile.

"BECAUSE I'M NOT TIRED" Donghyuck complained. From this anyone would have been able to tell the boy was definatley tired. It was like he was a toddler. Throwing a tantrum when someone suggests the possible idea of sleep.

Mark rolls his eyes and goes back to reading his book. It's not long however before Hyuck snatches it from bus hands. Mark looks over at Hyuck who is now sticking his tongue out at Mark.

"Fine, what do you want" Mark sighs, giving into the youngers annoyingness.

"I want to play a game" the younger states.

"OK, what game?" Mark says, still not entirely sure what the younger wants.

"I don't know you choose" the younger pouts at Mark. Mark leans over and kisses the youngers cheek.

"OK, well I don't know any games so why don't we watch a movie?" Mark suggests trying to entertain the younger.

Hyuck rolls his eyes and sighs but then nodds in agreement.

Mark puts on several movies before they finally land. Hyuck had fallen asleep halfway through the second movie, resting his head on Marks shoulder. His little snores making Mark want to giggle but he held it back so the younger could get some rest.

All the boys got off the plane at their first destination. The tour bus waiting outside the airport. The sign abouve the airport read 'WELSCOME TO NEW JERSEY'.


Hey, so im aware that not very much information is acurate, im just inventing my own tour that winwin is included in. Also when reading back I noticed that I seem to have no concept of time so I'm sorry if you are at all confused.

I hope you are enjoying the book so far.

Thanks for reading.


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