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Donghyuck made his way to dance practice. When he got there the rest had already started without him.

Mark smiled as Hyuck entered but Hyuck kept quite and to himself. He still had this feeling in his stomach, as though someone was rapidly stabbing him in the gut.

Hyuck joined in and quickly picked up where the boys were at and everything seemed normal.

A few minuets into the practice Hyuck suddenly ran out of the room.

The boy quickly headed straight to the bathroom, thinking no one had followed him. He threw open the door and hung his head over the toilet as he vomited.

Mark arrived shortly after to find Hyuck sat crying on the floor. He quickly scooped the boy up in his arms and cradled him as they both sat on the floor.

A few minuets later Taeyong arrived and was devistated with what he saw. He felt hurt for the boy. Although he didn't quit know what the younger was going through, He knew the boy was in pain. He wanted to help but just felt that he should leave Mark to do his thing as he was clearly capable of assisting the younger, as their connection was closer than Hyucks with any of the other members, including Taeyong.

" It's OK... It's OK, I'm here." Mark said as he held the boy in his arms.

Hyucks tears quickly stopped in the boys embrace. He felt safe here. In Marks arms. They wrapped around him like they were never going to let go.

Mark pushed the younger away slightly to see if he was OK. Hyuck sat up straight and wiped his cheeks. He had stopped crying a few minutes ago but his cheeks were still wet from the tears.

" Do you want to talk about it?" Mark asked so he wouldn't make the younger feel forced into this conversation.

" Whenever I think about going on tour, I get a weird sensation in my stomach. Sometimes a pit. Sometimes I feel like I got punched. This time it felt like I was being repeatily stabbed. And I don't know why I feel this way, but I think I'm more scared than I thought. We don't have long till we go on tour and yet, evey day closer we get, the worse the nerves become." Mark didn't say anything, he just listened to the youngers pain.

This was one of the reasons why Hyuck liked Mark from the beginning. He knew when to just shut up and listen to the person talking.

" Hyuck, I know I've said this before but I just want to remind you, we are all here for you. At All times. If you feel like this again,just say, no one's going to force you to do anything. OK?" Mark gave Hyuck a reassuring smile at the end. Donghyuck nodded and smiled back at Mark.

Both boys stood up. Mark pulled Hyuck into a hug and kissed the top of his head.

" OK, now brush your teeth, your breath stinks. " Mark joked. Hyuck punched him in the arm and smiled but Hyuck obeyed the older. The boys then returned to practice.

At the end of practice Taeyong pulled Hyuck to the side.

"Hey are you OK? You're looking a little pale, is it the nerves again?" Taeyong gives Hyuck a worried smile.

"Hyung, im fine. You don't need to worry, OK." Hyuck smiles back a Taeyong.

"But I do, and that's the problem. Just promise that if there is anything wrong you will talk to someone?" Taeyong says, turning more serious.

"I promise."Hyuck gives Taeyong a reassuring smile in return.

Mark and Hyuck don't talk again for the rest of the day. Neither one sure how to start the convosation. That was till about 3am the following morning.

I Won't Let Go | Markhyuck ✔️जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें