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Today Jungwoo and Doyoung were going out to look around Atlana as it was the city they had chosen.

The other boys could do whatever they wanted but everyone had to meet up to do promotion at 7pm.

Hyuck was lying in bed. Just looking up at the ceiling. He hadn't slept since what happened that night. He lay there. Emotionless. Blank.

Johnny woke up and mumbled that he was going to shower. When he came out half an hour later, Hyuck was still there. Same position. Same emotion. None.

Johnny poked the boy to get him to move. Hyuck got washed and dressed in silence. When he was done the two boys went to get breakfast with the others.

Hyuck was quiet. Still emotionless. This made the other boys worry. He wasn't expressing anything. It was like he had lost his emotions. A grey blob. Boring. Plain. Blank. Nothing.

After breakfast the boys decided to go shopping. Mark tried to hold Hyucks hand but he just moved away and walked by himself behind the others.

Mark thought maybe he had done something wrong wich made him panic thinking back through everything that happened. He then remembered the previous night wich he had forgoten till this moment.

Mark decides to ask Taeyong to approach Hyuck, to wich he agrees as he noticed Hyuck was off.

"Hey, Hyuck are there any shops you want to go to?" Taeyong asks cheerfully.

"not really" Hyuck mumbles. Walking away from Taeyong but the older follows him.

"How about ice cream?!" Taeyong says excitedly. Trying to enthuse the younger.

"whatever" Hyuck says as he takes a second attempt at getting away from Taeyong, who isn't having any of it. He pulls Hyuck to the side, away from the others.

"what is wrong with you?!" Taeyong almost snaps.

"nothing,im just minding my own business" hyuck snaps back. It was like he had gone back to pubity. Sassy, answering back, ignoring everyone.

"Hyuck, seriously. Why are you acting up like this?" Taeyong asks trying to take the tone down again.

The truth was Hyuck was exusted. He hadn't slept at all since he woke up at 3am and he was also suppressing alot of emotions at the moment.

"nothings wrong, just get out of my face." to this hyuck barges past Taeyong and runs to the only place he could, considering that they were in a contary that was foreign to him. The hotel.

Taeyong stood in shock. He had never seen Hyuck give anyone this much attitude. He went to join the others, deciding that hyuck is grown up enough to look after himself. And Taeyong didn't want to make things worse.

Once at his hotel room, Hyuck barges through the door only just managing to close it before collapsing on the floor and flooding with tears. He quickly scrambled to his bed and pulled the blanket over himself curling up in a ball under it.

About an hour passes before the other boys come back to meet up before going to do promotion. When they get there, Johnny walks into their room to find Hyuck still in the ball, still under the blanket, still crying.

"hey Hyuck, you good?" Johnny asks slowly edging a litlle towards the bed that Hyuck was in.

"go away" Hyuck just about gets out. His voice is raspy from crying. It's quite from him not wanting to hurt anyone anymore.

Johnny stands there for a minuet, trying to decide what to do. He looks down at he phone to see that it's 5pm. The boys were planing on going out for dinner first.

"we are going out for dinner now." Johnny says quite quietly, trying not to scare the other after their moments silence.

"I'll be out in a minute" Hyuck groaned. Not wanting to move from his pit of depression that he had made for himself.

Hyuck went into the bathroom to sort himself out when he heard Johnny shout.

"Mark, what are you doing?! GET OUT!" Johnny shouted, behind the door from hyuck Johnny was stood without a top on.

"Where is he?" Mark asked. Hyuck knew he was talking about him so he opend the door to reveal himself.

Mark looked at the boy who was red faced, puffy cheeks stained pink from the tears. His hair a mess.

"aw, Hyuckie, you look a mess" Mark said, not meaning for it to sound quite as harsh as it did.

Hyuck started to cry again he knew what Mark had said was true. He felt a mess as well. Physically and emotionally.

Mark was quick to pull the younger in at his reaction. Normally Hyuck would have just punched him but he wasn't up for that today.

"Come on let's get you sorted" Mark says as he pulls Hyuck into the bathroom. Fifteen minutes or so later the two come out of the bathroom. A small smile on Hyucks face.

They all met down at the entrance of the hotel. Hyuck went back into his shy state when he saw Taeyong. He felt bad for how he had acted up earlier that day. Mark kissed Hyuck on the cheek before they approached everyone.

Taeyong walked over and gave Hyuck a hug. He gave the younger a small smile. Hyuck mouthed the words "I'm sorry" and Taeyong looked down at him. Taeyong just ruffled his hair and they all made their way to the restruant.

Hyuck was pretty normal for the rest of the evening. No break downs, no attitude. He was a little shy because he was scared that he would say something wrong.

Mark was there for him. Even though they couldn't properly show each other how they felt in public, because of the reputation they had to uphold, both knew that the other was there for them.

They all went back to the hotel when all the promotion is done. They had an early start tomorrow, they had more promotion and then their second show.

Hyuck couldn't sleep from the start so he snuck into Taeil and Jaehyuns room to find both still awake.

Taeil looked over at the younger who stood in his doorway, a small smile on his lips, trying to get himself invited in.

Taeil gestured for the younger to climb into the bed next to him. Hyuck almost skipped over to climb into the warmth of his hyung.

Taeil wrapped his arms around the younger, nuzzling into Hyucks neck, who's head was resting on the pillow underneath him.

Hyuck was fast to fall asleep due to the warmth of his hyung.

That night was peaceful for everyone.

Hope you liked this part. 😊👏💚

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