In His Gut

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Hey guys, so im just going to apologise now for any mistakes in this and the previous part, it is currently 1:15am while I am writing this so yeah, bear with me but I'm on a roll, im also going to try make this part a little shorter but I'm not making any promises. So yeah. Have fun reading. ☺️

"what are you doing on the the dark?" Donghyuck questioned as he assisted the Mark up from the floor as he detangled the boys ankle and wire from each other.

"well I didn't mean to be, did I! I was trying to figure out who was walking about the dorm but I'm just going to assume that it was you?" Mark was frustrated and a little flustered at the state Donghyuck had just found him in.

Donghyuck giggled at Marks frustration," yeah that would have been me. I can't seem to get to sleep... "  Hyuck explained.

There was a sudden look of panic on Marks face.
"it's not the same reason as the othe-" Mark was cut off by Hyuck,

"no, no, no. Don't worry. I just can't get to sleep, so don't worry about THAT happening" Mark noticed the look of, what looked like dispare on Hucks face.

"Hyuckie??" Mark waited for a response but when he didn't get one he reached out for the boys wrist. Donghyuck flinched when Mark touched him, he was lost in thought. Again.

Donghyuck looked up at Mark, "Yeah! oh sorry, what were you saying?" Hyuck questioned.

"Do you want to stay in here with me tonight? I can't sleep either." Mark asked Donghyuck. In all honesty Mark didn't want to be alone tonight. He just didn't want to be left tho his thoughts.

It was just one of those nights.

Donghyuck looked up at Mark a little confused, so he just went with it. He nodded as he and Mark made their way into Marks room properly.

"Hey do you want to watch a horror movie?" Mark said as he was going through Netflix trying to find something for them to watch as they were both now awake. What Mark forgot was that he didn't like horror movies. In the end they decided to watch 'The Conjuring'.

The two sat in the bed. Both with their backs up against the headboard. They sat like this until they were about ten minuets into the movie, by wich time Mark had jumped and was lying with his face hidden in Hyucks chest. About halfway through the movie Mark looked up to see that Donghyuck had fallen asleep.

Mark decided that he had,had enough of the movie now he skipped right to the credits so it looks like he had made it through the whole movie.

When Mark got up to turn the TV off, Donghyuck moved and was now lying down on the bed in a sort of stretched out featus position. Mark hopped in bed next to the younger who instant moved once Mark had stopped moving.

Donghyuck moved so his head was now on Marks chest, rising and falling with the olders breath. It was midnight by the time both the boys were finaly asleep and comfortable.


At 5:30am the boys woke to Marks alarm going off. Mark reached over and turned it off. He shook Haechan awake but he just fell back asleep after Mark had moved.

Mark was about to wake Donghyuck before he realised just how adorable Hyuck looked while sleeping, his messy hair, his cute pink lips, his tan skin glowin in the early morning sun light that managed to squeeze through the gap of Marks curtains. Mark thought about letting the adorable boy sleep in but then he thought about how much more difficult it would be for the younger to get to his room once their hyungs were up and moving about.

Mark gently shook the younger awake. Donghyuck groaned as he climbed out of the pit of the bed. He made his way into his room too tired to aknowlage any comments or greetings from Mark.

When Hyuck got into his room he just flopped onto his bed and fell straight back to sleep.

About half an hour later, Mark let himself in to the boys room, to again wake the younger. This time Donghyuck got up and showered before making his way to the dance studio alongside Mark and Johnny.

When they arrived they warmed up together talking about how psyched they were about going on tour in three months. Honestly, Hyuck was terrified. He had never really traveled before and the thought of traveling north America for a whole month was nerve wracking.

He didn't get much chance to think about this thought (thank god) before being interrupted by Taeyong calling everyone over. This is the last dance the boys had to put together. Although they still had to go to the studio later today to re-record some of the songs that were going out next month as part of the album, this was the last part of choreographing they had to do before recording the music videos for the next three weeks, then proceeding to go on tour two months later. This is what lead their sceduals to be so full.

The boys cracked down and did a solid two and a half hours of practice till they had nailed the choreo. Now they just had perfect it over the weekend.

The boys were now on thier way to the recording studio where they had to do some finishing touches for their songs for the new album.

When they reached the studio, they were split into two groups so they could finish it quicker and they could that way work in two songs at a time. In the first group was Johnny, Taeyong, Mark, Jaehyun and Donghyuck and the others in the second group. They were going to rotate every time both groups had finished recording.

First up to record in the first group was Mark. When the person who was recording was doing so the others watched and listened from outside the recording room.

When Mark was recording, Donghyuck was jamming to Mark.  Donghyuck was to record second, but when it came to his time to record he felt really sick feeling in his gut. It felt like someone had just punched him in the stomach. As he entered the room he notice that a tear had decided to take a stroll down his cheek but he stopped it before anyone noticed. The dude in charge of the recording pressed play but when it came to his part Donghyuck just couldn't do it. He could feel himself shivering. He was bitting at the inside of his cheek trying not to have an emotional breakdown for what felt like the hunderth time that week...

Authors note

Hey again, so this part was a little shorter but I had to stop it before I ended up rambling too much. Hope you enjoyed this part and the next should also be out today as well. I'm on a roll and am confident in what I'm writing and I don't want to end up getting lost. Kk bye.


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