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after i ran away from the whole situation, i went to talk to natalie, davids assistant, i told her how i felt and what i thought about the situation since i didnt wanna bottle all of it up in me.

"i think you should just go and have the time of your life, you got one more day, get away from reality for another like 48 hours and then you HAVE to talk to him. stop letting him get to you this badly" she advises

"does david pay you enough to be a therapist and an assistant all in one?"

"sadly no but i feel like its more genuine without the money" she laughs

she was right, i cant keep letting him stress me out.

so starting right then and there. i had the night of my life.

time skips

"okay anissa you're officially as plastered as zane. come on, we're good, we're almost there" david assured as jeff carried me to my room

he places me down on the bed and david says goodnight then leaves

"no fucking her while im gone" i hear david say as he walks to the door

"david you really want to see me go back to jail huh? shes plastered as hell, no shit im not gonna fuck her"

david raises his hands in defense and backs out of the doorway

"how are you feeling after everything earlier?"

"im okay. im not that kind of person and i know im not so the worry isnt there but i dont know right now."

"okay but if you need to talk or if you need anything in general you know who to call"

"thank you jeff."

"yea anything for you. goodnight, the booze is gonna get you back in the morning though" jeff says as he walks out of the room

i laugh at his lack of concern but i pry off my shoes and get under the covers before falling asleep.

*in the morning*

i woke up from my sleep and i felt dizzy, lightheaded and i couldn't remember shit.

i look over to find my phone but instead i find a note, water and aspirin .

the note read -

"you drunk bitch, wake da fuck up, it day three and we matchin hunnyyyy! - zane"

and then another note -

"ignore zane he was just as plastered as you were but take the aspirin and get up, i made you pancakes." - jeff

i smiled to myself, sat up and took the pill. i walk out of my room, the light hitting my eyes directly making me flinch.

"good morning hungover headass" jeff greets

"shut up dumbass" i retort

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