Kindergarten~ Levi x Reader

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Yes, I realize the age differences don't really make sense (Ex- Bertoldt, 30~ Levi, 5). Deal with it. *Puts on sunglasses and smirks deviously*


You hum to yourself as you color the picture in front of you. Your tongue sticks out as you focus intently on it, vowing not to mess up. Your large (e/c) eyes narrow into slits as you finish up the masterpiece. You smile happily and admire the work you've done.

You stand up from your at the yellow table and make your way over to your bestfriend. "We~vi! We~vi!" You shout. He looks up from his toy car to you.

"Yes, (y/n)?" He asks.

He'd always been quiet and calm, but he never left your side, and always vowed to protect you.

You, on the other hand, were spontaneous and dramatic- the trouble child as Ms. Zoë liked to call you.

You and Levi were inseperable, known as the two pees in a pod. In fact, you claimed that since everyone else were poopy-heads, you and Levi simply had to get married, for he was the only one you could stand for long times.

"Thank you," He says, keeping the stoic expression on his face.

After years of knowing the little shortie, you knew what a simple thank you meant, and pulled him into a hug.

As soon as you pulled away you decided to explain the picture. "See, that's me." You pointed to a girl with green hair and pink skin. "That is you!" You exclaim, pointing to a short little boy with red skin and black hair.

"Why is your hair green?" He inquires curiously.

"I always wanted green hair!" You chirp happily. "So now I have it!"

He raises his eyebrows, but pesters no further and excepts the picture. He slips it into his folder then zips up his tiny grey backpack.

Just as he finishes zipping, Ms. Ral called the class to the colorful rug. You all sit in your assigned spots and sit impatiently for her to begin.

"Now class," She starts happily. "What story do you want to read today?" She asks.

The entire class starts yelling out answers, as this is most everyone's favorite part of the day, but Ms. Ral hushes everyone and points to Jean, the most annoying boy in class.

He always picks on you! He pulls your hair and calls you awful names! You told your mother; she said it was because he liked you.


You could've thrown up. Jean? Like you? Even if he did, which he doesn't, you would never even think of being his girlfriend.

Boys have cooties.

Except Levi. He's too cool for those.

Jean smirks smugly at every one and yells out the story he always chooses. "The Very Hungry Caterpillar!"

The only reason Jean likes this book so much is 'cuz he's chubby. You think hateful words about him in your head, hoping he can feel the glare scorching his back.

Ms. Ral smiles and pulls it out, opening the book and beginning to read.

You sit and stare at the wall, rather than focusing on the book. You've heard it one too many times and just want to go to P.E.

As Ms. Ral reaches the end of the book, you get antsy and start bouncing up and down, glancing at the clock you don't know how to read. She finishes and tells the class to line up, causing you to jump up and run to get at the beginning of the line.

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