Big Hero 6 Crossover- Eren x reader

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Ah, okay, so this is like a little crossover between Big Hero 6 and Attack on Titan just because I recently bought the movie (I loved it in theaters so much) and because I can. If you haven't actually seen Big Hero 6 it doesn't really matter tbh, so read on. And if you get confused buy the nicknames: GoGo is Mikasa, Honey Lemon is Armin, Wasabi is Reiner.

"All I'm saying, Armin, is that I wouldn't question if someone offered super powers to me, I would except them. Think of how cool it would be!" you say, throwing your hands into the air as you walk into the huge building of San Fransokyo Tech. You wave lightly to the receptionist Krista as you step past her, refocusing your attention on Armin.

"But what if they made you a super villain? What would you do then?" he raises his eyebrows.

You let out a huff of frustrated air. "I don't know, be a super villain? What else?" you answer.

He shakes his head, muttering something about your idiocy, and takes a turn down his hall. "See ya' round, (y/n)."

You wave and hit the elevator button, "Bye, Honey Lemon," you tease.

The elevator dings and opens up, revealing a handsome bright-eyed boy standing in front of you. This takes you by surprise, as there's usually no one here yet when you arrive.

"Ah!" you yelp, stumbling backwards.

The boy grins cheekily at you. "You okay?"

You blush before steadying yourself, taking a step into the elevator and pressing the button for your floor. "Yeah."

"That's good," he says, pausing for a moment before continuing. "I'm Eren, by the way."

"Eren," you let the foreign name roll off your tongue. "You must be the new kid, huh?" you inquire. Your hand moves to tuck the strands of hair that always fall in front of your face behind your ear.

He chuckles at your comment, "Yeah, I am."

"I'm (y/n)," you inform him, noticing the elevator coming to a stop. You walk out when the doors open, waiting for Eren to follow you out. "This is your first day, I assume."

He nods his head, shaggy brown hair falling over his eyes. "Yup. Honestly, I'm surprised I even got into this place. If anything I would've expected my younger brother to get in, the little genius."

You shrug, "If you got in, you deserve to be in," you say, pulling to door to the experiment room open. A bike wheel immediately speeds past your head, narrowly missing Eren's.

"Sorry guys," Mikasa apologizes, jogging out of the room to grab the wheel. "Accident."

You laugh, motioning for Eren to walk in. "I'll introduce you to everyone!" you exclaim, clapping your hands together happily. "The girl you just saw is Mikasa, but we call her GoGo. That loser over there," you point to the boy with bright yellow eyes and a shaved head, "is Connie."

He sets his action figure down and saunters over to the two of you. "Connie, science enthusiast," he jabs his hand out.

Eren shakes it, clearly somewhat confused.

You lightly punch Connie on the shoulder, turning to point out the others. "The really big guy over there is Wasabi, and I know he looks really tough, but he's actually just a huge baby. Don't be intimidated."

"Hey! I'm tough!" he defends. "And don't call me Wasabi. My name is Reiner! I spilled wasabi on my shirt one time!" he whines, setting down his screwdriver.

"No one actually calls you Reiner anymore, Wasabi," Armin teases as he walks into the room.

"You're one to talk, Honey Lemon." Reiner jabs.

Armin shrugs, leaning against the wall. "I'm not ashamed," he says, pushing up his glasses.

"I... think I've got it. Maybe." Eren nods his head slowly, taking in the environment.

"Let me show you your personal lab!" you say, turning on your heels and walking out of the room, into the hall, and into his lab. "We usually work together because it gets lonely sitting all alone in an empty room with only electronics to speak to."

"Sounds cool, but," he looks around the spacious room, full of boxes. "what's your nickname?" he inquires.

You laugh at this, crossing your arms and tilting your head back. "Everyone just calls me BooBoo." you say.

He furrows his eyebrows, "But... what's with all the nicknames?"

"Well, Connie tends to give everyone nicknames, and they just... stick, I suppose." you explain, falling into the rolling chair and spinning into the middle of the room. "He'll probably give you a nickname, even."

Both of you turn your heads when you hear a knock on the door. The slide screen opens to reveal the one and only Professor Dot Pixis himself. He steps into the room, prestigious yet casual as usual, and steps up to Eren.

"Welcome to the team, young man," he welcomes, sticking out his hand in a warm welcome. "I'm ecstatic to have you here at San Fransokyo Institute of Technology."

Eren shakes hands with the man, mostly out of fear and nervousness. "I'm happy to be here, sir."

You almost laugh at Eren's nervousness, but refrain from doing so during their conversation. You wave goodbye to the professor as he walks out, then stand up and prepare to head to your own lab because, after all, you actually do have work to do.

"I'll talk to you later, dork," you say, standing in the doorway, about to turn around.

"Actually," Eren starts, clearly nervous. "You wanna... have lunch? I don't have many friends here yet, so..." he rubs the back of his neck awkwardly.

You send him a warm grin. "Yeah, that'd be great." you confirm.

He smiles back, satisfied with the events.

"But, before that, you should probably get to unpacking," you say, motioning around the room at the loads of boxes.

You turn and walk out of the room and back into the main lab.

"Ah, BooBoo! There you are!" Reiner greets. "Looks like your pretty into the new guy, huh?" he says, raising his eyebrows suggestively.

"Shut up!" you jut your bottom lip out, blushing, and throw a pencil at him, but it only gets sliced into tiny, tiny slices as it goes through the laser induced plasma.

"I bet you're even having lunch with him, " Armin pipes up from his corner.

Everyone laughs at this, while you just sit sulking at your desk.

"You're so obvious," Armin teases.

"Shut up, guys."

"If it makes you feel any better, I think you two would make a cute couple." Mikasa offers, tossing Reiner a screwdriver.

You sit up straighter, raising your eyebrows in question. "You really think so?"

Everyone laughs at this, and you just skulk even more, looking forward to lunch.

A/N: What even is this? Idon'tknowreallyIjustneededtowritesomebighero6stuffandthisiswhatyouget.

Summer equals updates... probably, although I'm not promising anything too great. Sorry for this weird thing. I'm doing my best to write your guys' requests.




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