Dinner~ Levi x reader x Eren

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You finish applying your mascara in front of the large mirror, admiring your makeup. You then quickly run to your walk-in closet and slip on your heels, now completely ready for your date with Levi.

You carefully make your way down the stairs, grab your purse and phone, then run out the door to meet him in his car.

"You were almost late." he says, turning the heat up slightly to keep you warm.

"Well we have to make the first date interesting some how, don't we?" you say, winking with a twinkle in your eye.

He rolls his eyes, slightly amused at your antics. You sit in comfortable silence as he drives to the fancy-ass restaurant your parents were making you both go to.

Neither of you actually had a choice to go on this 'date' (though you actually quite liked eachother). You were both forced into marriage, in an effort to combine two large company's owned by two buisness men who have a thirst for money and power. You, eighteen and the oldest, were placed with the weight of the family buisness. Levi, 21 and the oldest, was also placed with the same burden.

His sports car soon pulls into a reserved parking spot, right next to the entrance, and Levi walks around to open the door for you.

"I guess chivalry isn't completely dead." you say, stepping out and straightening your mid thigh length (f/c), strapless dress.

"I wouldn't call it chivalry, I'm really just being polite." he says, starting off towards the resturant.

Uh-huh, whatever you say.

You follow him, quickly catching up to him and locking your arm with his. He raises his eyebrows.

"Might as well look like a couple." you say, tucking a (h/c) strand behind your ear.

He sighs and holds open the door for you, letting you into the warm building. "Damn, your short." he ignores you, because obviously he's heard that before.

The place has somewhat of a Paris theme, though it wasn't completely blatant unless you really payed attention. You quite liked it though, to be completely honest.

The desk clerk with a bit too bright of an attitude leads you both to a table, reserved for Mr. Ackerman. You both sit, across from eachother, and she informs you that your waiter will be there in a moment.

"Did you or your parents pick the place?" You ask, opening up the menu and reading over the list. He glances up at you from his, giving you a deadpan look. "If I had picked a place, I would've chosen pizza or some shit. This is somewhat ridiculous."

You nod in agreement. You decide to order (french dish), setting your menu down just as the waiter walks up.

The boy looks quite bored, eyes focused on the notepad in his hands. His brown hair is tousled in a messy- yet cute- manner, and he's fairly tall.

"Hello, what would you like to order?" he says, looking up at Levi.

Levi orders hot tea and Soupe à L’oignon, and as the waiter finishes jotting down his order, he turns to you and the boredom leaves his features.

His eyes begin to sparkle, which gives them a special gleam. The color is beautiful, a turqoise-ish color. He smirks down at you.

"And what would you like to order?" he says.

You laugh lightly, "Sorry casanova,  I'm on a date." he looks slightly dissapointed, but doesn't say anything. "But I would like (drink) and (french dish)." he writes both of your orders down.

"I'll be right back with your drinks." he says, right before winking at you and walking away. You roll your eyes with a smile on your face.


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