Squad Leader!reader x Levi

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Me: cringes at cheesyness and mary-sue-ness

And you should know by now that I don't edit my stories.

"But, sir!" you protest, slamming your palm onto the table and jumping up from your seat. "I didn't sign up for that!"

"Now, now, (l/n). No need for you to freak out." Dot Pixis stands up from his chair and walks to his liquor cabinet, pulling out a small intricate glass and pouring something into it. "I know that you came to work in the city, but sometimes you must sacrifice what you want for the good of the team."

You take a step towards him. "And I understand that, but I earned the right to work here where I want to. You can't make me go out and face those disgusting monsters!"

"I can and I will, cadet. Or, should I say Squad Leader?" he says, taking a gulp of his alcohol. "I know you'd rather not-"

You scoff.

"rather not work in the scouts, but your talents are too much to go to waste. Even Hanji agrees that they should get put to good use."

That traitor of a cousin!

"My word is final. Unless, of course, you'd rather speak to the king?" he inquires, raising his eyebrows and stroking his mustache.

Your mouth opens to begin, but he raises his hand to quiet you. "Go and pack your things. You'll be leaving first thing in the morning."

And that, my dear friends, is how you got in this damned predicament, listening to some child tell you about his heichou or something. Don't get me wrong, guys. You aren't a mean person or anything. In fact, you consider yourself actually quite nice. You're just pissed because you don't want to be here, risking your life killing those stupid monsters.

"He seems pretty cold-hearted at first, mind you, but once you warm up to him he really can be nice," the kid says, sending you a warm grin.

You hum in response, glancing around. "It seems kinda like you have a crush on him," you comment.

His blushes a deep red and looks away, embarrassed. "N-no I don't! I'm just trying to prepare you for when you meet him, is all!"

You laugh for the first time in forever, and pat him on the shoulder softly. "Don't worry kid, I don't judge."

He laughs, nervous, gulping comically. "We're here," he announces. His hand raises to salute you, "Good luck, Squad Leader (y/n)!"

You shake and shake your head, knocking on the door and waiting for an answer.

"Come in," a gruff voice greets.

The door pushes open easy, and you step into the room. The cleanliness startles you, surprises you. To be honest, you expected something much more dirty from a Lance Corporal.

"Well?" he asks. "What do you want?"

This snaps you out of your trance and your eyes move to him. Before answering you take the man in, marking down his features in your head. His small frame surprises you once more, along with his almost child-like features yet hardened look. This is not near what you expected.

"I was told to come and report to you once I arrived?" This comes out as more of a question than you anticipated. "I'm (f/n) (l/n), the new squad leader," you clarify.

"Ah," he says, re-stacking his papers. "I have to take you to your room, tch."

You rock on your feet while he finishes cleaning up, noticing the somewhat awkward presence he holds- the man clearly isn't a people person.

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