Pregnant -Eren x Reader

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You wretch into the toilet for the third time this morning, letting Eren hold back your hair and rub your back soothingly. The feeling burns your mouth and throat, and you can't help but let tears form at the corners of your eyes.

"Are you alright, (y/n)?" your boyfriend whispers, placing his arm around your shoulder.

You swallow once more, wiping your mouth with the palm of your hand and straightening your back.

"Yeah... I must have just caught a bug or something." you say, leaning against Eren heavily.

Eren helps you stand up and get back to your bed, pulling the blankets over your body and kissing your forehead. He looks at you worriedly. "I think I should call the doctor..." he states, pulling out his cellphone.

You shrug your shoulders in response, letting your head loll back against the pillow. "I guess so."

He sends you a smile and walks out of the room, dialing your doctor's office's number and scheduling you an appointment. When he returns to your bedroom he's holding your shoes in one hand and a banana in the other.

"She said we could either meet her now or three days from from now at four."

You groan and reluctantly pull yourself up from the warm blankets, walking past Eren and grabbing your shoes from his hand. "Let's just go." you mumble grumpily. "And pick a different fruit besides banana. It's making me want to throw up again."


"Hello Doc."

Eren greets your good friend and amazing Doctor Hanji warmly when she enters the room.

"Hi you two!" she sits in her spinny chair and pushes herself towards you. "Eren told me you weren't feeling well, (y/n). What's wrong?" she places her left hand on your shoulder and pulls your eyelid wide with the fingers on her right hand, leaning in closely to get a good look.

You pull your body away from the over-bearing woman, "I've been vomiting and just generally really tired." you say.

"Well," Eren drawls, "she's been kinda cranky and moody too."

You glare at him and he just flashes you a grin.

Hanji hums in response and spins over to get her chart, jotting down a few things. "Is that all?"

You sigh exasperately, "I don't fucking know, okay?"

Hanji purses her lips and begins writing something else, whispering, "Might as well add 'extra moody'."

You cross your arms across your chest and stare at the wall. Not only are you freezing your ass off in this room, you're also exhausted and all you want to do is take a nap.

"You're sure there's nothing else?"

"No, not really." Eren pipes up. "That's the problem. She doesn't have any other symptoms, not even a fever. And when we went to you before we tested her for all types of sicknesses, but none of them were positive."

"Alrighty then." Hanji looks over her notes again, biting the tip of her pen. A smirk plays on her lips as she looks back up at you two. "Have you done-the-do lately?" she asks nonchalantly.

Eren blushes and looks down at his hands, "Yeah." he answers.

"Did you use a condom?" Hanji inquires.

You snap your head up to her, "I don't know, maybe not." you answer.

Hanji furrows her eyebrows, "When was the last time you had your period?"

You think for a second, "Like... a month and a half..." you eyes widen in surprise, realizing what could be possible.

Hanji grins and quickly pulls something out of the drawer next to her, handing it to you, "Pee on this."

You delicately grasp it in your hand, looking over at Eren with your eyebrows raised. He shrugs and nods over to the large wooden door leading to the bathroom, gesturing for you to go in. You walk in, not bothering to lock the door behind you, and take care of your business. You sit on the toilet anxiously as you wait, crossing your legs and tapping your toe in the air. Finally, the results show.

You're positive.

Your hand reaches up to slap over your mouth, covering the squeak that was bound to come out. Nothing in the entire world could've prepared you for this.

What will Eren think? What will Eren do? What will happen?

You shakily stand up, tiptoeing over to the door grasping the handle with your freezing hands and opening the door, revealing yourself to your company. They both look up at you, not sure what to expect.

"I'm... Pregnant," the words slip out of your mouth without you forcing them to, almost as if they needed to escape.

You focus solely on Eren, watching for a change in facial expression from his blank stare. He stands up, walks over to you, and envelops you in a warm hug. You can feel his wide grin against your neck as he rests is head on your shoulder. Relief instantly spreads throughout your body, letting your strained limbs relax.

"We're having a baby," he whispers in your ear.

"Sorry to interrupt the love train or whatever, but we should probably get you out of here," Hanji says, standing up and writing a few more things on her clipboard.

So, the two of you head out, going home to plan and celebrate.


"I don't know if I can do this," you say to Eren, sitting on the couch in anticipation.

Eren sits and wraps his arm around you, giving you a reasurring smile. "It's too late to back out now, (y/n)."

"Well-" you get cut off by a doorbell, and Eren quickly runs to answer the door, knowing you're too nervous to get it yourself.

He greets Armin at the door and Mikasa at the door, pulling them both into hugs. They then walk over to you.

"(y/n)! We haven't seen you in forever!" Armin exclaims.

You stand up nevously, not wanting to let your non-existent baby bump show. You swear you can see it, but Eren says you're just imagining it. Mikasa pulls you into a hug first, then Armin. Nothing out of the ordinary happens, to your delight.

You sit greeting people for the next thirty or so minutes, your nerves slowly dissapating over time. When the time comes to make the announcement, however, the butterflies in your stomach come back even fiercer than before.

"Guys," you say timildly, yet they all still manage to hear you. You swallow thickly before continuing. "I- we have an announcement to make..."

Eren looks at you encouragingly, pushing you on. "I... I'm pregnant."

The chatter starts and everyone begins congratulating you. Connie and Sasha high five over in the corner, as well as Erwin passing money to a smug Levi.

You smile to yourself, finally able to relax and talk with everyone without having to hold your tongue and keep your secret.

You couldn't ask for anything more.

A/N: I know, I know, I suck at updating. Life is hard, man. I'll do my best to get a chapter out soon, but I wont promise anything.

It would be nice if you would... request something... just maybe?

Andholyshitfuckerswhat. We reached 20k. I reached over 100 followers. You guys are the shit.



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