Sass- Levi x reader

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Your back is aching, your feet are sore, and your head is pounding sound hard you think it might just fall out of your head. But hey, you did learn something today. Cleaning, however silly it may sound, could definitely be a sport. At the very least, Levi's cleaning could be a sport.

You've scrubbed so much today that you're surprised your arms didn't fall off.

Now, you're sitting with your back against the wall, resting for just a few minutes while you can.

"What are you doing cadet?" Levi asks. He may be your boyfriend, but he doesn't let you slack off. In fact, it's almost as if he works you harder than everyone else, just to tease you. "You aren't finished yet."

"But Levi," you whine. "I'm tired and the sun's already setting. Can't I go help make dinner or something?" you plead, jutting your lip out.

He raises his eyebrows, "You are going to finish what you started."

You huff, crossing your arms, but standing up anyway. As you turn around to finish dusting the shelves, you mutter, "If you want it done so bad, why don't you do it yourself?"

"What was that, (l/n)?" Levi inquires.

Oh no. Damn my habits! You think.

"Nothing, Corporal," you quickly say, taking the rag and swiping it on the desk, watching the dust particles fly into the air.

You hear footsteps echo, and feel Levi's presence behind you. "I think I heard you say something," he states. He walks up behind you and grabs your hand, pulling it lightly in a gesture to turn your body around. When you're facing him he pushes you against the wall, holding your arms against it and leaning in to whisper in your ear, "I think I need to punish you for talking back to me."

You bite your lip, feeling your body warm up and your cheeks turn a light shade of pink. "How?"

"By," he pauses, licking his lips, "giving you extra work. Clean the kitchen on your own tonight." Levi then pulls away from you, sighing. "And finish this up, too, idiot." he smirks as he turns away from you.

You visibly deflate as he walks out of the room, disappointed with the turn of events. A permanent frown is etched onto your face that refuses to disappear as you wipe the table.

"Hey, (y/n). Why are you still cleaning?" Eren asks, walking into the room. He leans against the wall.

Your frown becomes even bigger. "Stupid Levi making me clean all the time. I didn't even do anything wrong."

Eren's eyebrows furrow, "Captain wouldn't make you do anything you didn't deserve."

You sigh heavily and stand up, popping your back satisfyingly. "But it's still annoying."

Eren chuckles and pulls himself off the wall, making his way to the door frame. "Anyway, Corporal sent me to get you for dinner. As soon as you're done with the 'damn window'."

"Alright. Wait for me, though." You jut your bottom lip out and begin wiping the window, finishing as quickly as possible. You were hungry, and you didn't want to wait.

You drop the rag in the bucket and jog over to Eren, following him out of the doors and to the kitchen.

"Hey (y/n)! Eren!" Sasha greets when you walk in the door. She animatedly gestures for you to come and sit with her and the rest of your friends, already having a tray for you and Eren.

The two of you walk over and sit down. Everyone chats for the meal, you finally cheering up, even if you still have to clean up the kitchen after this. You didn't really mind. Even if you act like you despise cleaning, you actually kind of enjoy it. You love the feeling of accomplishment when you finish a room.

You tell everyone that you have to clean all of this up by yourself, and after a few reluctant offers, they leave you alone. You gather all of the dishes and bring them to the sink, turning on the water. The soap makes the dishes spotlessly clean , and you absent-mindedly smile at the pretty sight.

"Hello (y/n)." the monotone voice startles you, and one of the plates almost slips from your hand in surprise.

"Levi!" you exclaim, placing your damp hand over your heart.

He leans against the counter nonchalantly, crossing his arms and looking over the work you've done. "You left a spot on the window." he says.

You glare at him, "I'm sorry that I was starving and I wanted food, Corporal. I have needs too." you retort.

"Tch, you sure are sassy today," he says.

You roll your eyes at him and put the last fork up, turning around and sashaying to the table to wipe it down. He walks up behind you and pulls you up, holding you by the waist.

I'm not an idiot, I know what he's doing. I refuse to fall for it again.

"You know I don't like sass, brat." he says, turning his head to kiss your neck.

Your heart begins pounding in your chest; when Levi does this, you can't stay mad at him. You bite your lip to keep yourself from turning around and smashing your lips to his. You keep your hands moving on the table, wiping off the filth. He continuously kisses you, moving down your neck and back up, even nibbling on your earlobe.

"Levi," you whine, leaning our head so he can get better access.

"I told you I was going to punish you, cadet," he says, kissing your jaw and pulling you away from the table. "And I don't lie."

You turn around to kiss him, but he pulls away before you can go any further. He smirks lightly before saying, "You have stable duty tomorrow for talking back again." he takes his hands off your waist and pulls his body away from yours.

You glare at him and turn around. "I hate you so much right now."

Levi raises his eyebrows and looks at you. "Okay, sure. And don't forget to finish cleaning this up." He walks out of the room, probably to go to his bedroom to sleep.

By the time you finish, you're exhausted. All you really want to do is sleep, but you devised a plan to get what you've wanted all day. You head straight for his room, as you assume he's still awake doing paperwork.

You place your hand on the doorhandle and push forward, hearing a loud creak as it opens. Levi, as usual, is sitting at his desk filling out whatever weird crap he usually does, and he barely notices you come inside. You walk up behind him, placing your arms around his neck and putting your head on his shoulder.

"What are you doing, brat?" he asks, setting down the paper he was holding.

"I just wanna spend some time with you, Corporal." you say, kissing his neck exactly like he did to you earlier.

He sighs and turns his chair to look at you. "You should know that this doesn't work on me."

Yeah, you do, but you lean in to kiss him anyways. He kisses back, surprisingly, and the two of you sit there for a few minutes lightly kissing. Unusual for the two of you, as you don't mess around very much, but you do love him, and he loves you. The fact is, both of you enjoy spending this time together, even if it takes a day of him teasing the shit out of you to do it.

However, you pull away before anything gets too heated, and begin walking towards the door.

"Where do you think you're going?" Levi asks.

You giggle, "Oh, I'm going back to my room. I really don't want to be too tired to clean the stables tomorrow, do I?" you remark.

He hums and stands up, walking towards you and grabbing your waist, steering you towards the bed. "If you don't want an extra day of stable duty, I suggest you stay here with me."

A/N: I can't say I'm proud of this, but I can't say I'm not happy with it. This is for @muffinatorrr because she requested it, and I kinda got off topic during this but whatever. There wasn't very much sass but I tried. I hope it was what you wanted.

Thanks to your requests, I now have more of a motive to write. In fact, feel free to request more if you want to.


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