First Date - Armin x reader

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"I don't know if I'm ready for this," you say nervously, fiddling with the bottom of your dress.

It is a warm, if not hot, Saturday night, and the girls are helping you get ready for your date with everyone's favorite little blond mushroom: Armin. You had liked him for the longest time, and when he finally asked you out on a date, you managed to squeak out a, "Yes." Of course, you then proceeded to run to the bathroom and begin hyperventilating, but you were, and are, excited nonetheless.

"(y/n), you'll be fine. Just be yourself; you don't have to impress him." Mikasa says without looking up from her phone. "Armin already likes you. He told me himself."

This should've made you calm down. However, it only made you feel even more nervous. Now you felt the pressure of having to keep Armin's image of you the same. It was pressing on your back, and you felt like you were gonna collapse.

"Would you quit sweating, (nickname)?" Sasha asks. "You're gonna sweat off the makeup I put hours into applying."

You yelp and raise your hand to your forehead to find that yes, you are indeed sweating. "Dammit," you say.

A knock on the door startles you further, and you nearly fall back on your butt.

"I am so not ready for this!" you exclaim, staggering to the side a bit.

Annie looks up from her phone. "You have had all week to prepare for this. Get your damn purse and go."

You take a deep breath and pick up your bag, forcing your legs to leave the room Mikasa and Annie share. When you reach the door, you place your cold hand on the door handle, opening it to welcome the boy.

"Hi, Armin," you say shyly, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear.

He smiles back and swallows, clearly nervous himself. He takes his hand from behind his back and reveals a bouquet of (favorite flower). He blushes a deep red.

You gasp, "Thank you! These are so pretty!" you exclaim, delicately taking them from his hand and sniffing them. "Let me put them in a vase."

You quickly replace the old, whithered flowers with the ones Armin gave you and walk back to the door.

"Ready to go?" you ask.

He nods his head and steps out of the doorway, letting you through.

The two of you chit-chat on the way to his car, slowly relaxing.


Eren's POV

Operation "Get Armin and (y/n) married is a go!" Sasha shouts into her walkie-talkie.

I pull the machine away from my ear and press the talk button. "That isn't what we decided to name it," I say, turning the key to my car. The engine roars and the car starts.

"We should totally call-"

"Are we going or what?" Mikasa interrupts.

Sasha answers with a yes, telling me that she'll be down in a minute. Soon enough, I see her running out the door with a bored looking Mikasa tagging behind.

"Start the car!" she yells whilst jumping into the seat, almost landing on Connie.

"I already started it," I say.

"Then drive bitch!" she yells.

I begin driving out of the parking lot, going towards the destination in which they are headed for their date. I inform the group that Jean confirmed that the adorable couple arrived at his work just five minutes ago. It takes only a couple of minutes to get to our destination, and we soon arrive.

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