Mother Nature Strikes Again~ Jean x reader

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You open your eyes only to double over and grab your stomach. The sharp pain spreads throughout your body with every second.

Damn you Mother Nature!

You get up slowly, your eyes squinting in the dark room. Your careful not to wake up your roommate Mikasa, as you know how she gets when sleeping.

When you reach the bathroom you quickly shut the door and light the candles. You look into the mirror and wince slightly.

I look like death.

Another shoot of pain hits you and you gasp. You go to the toilet to take care of your 'business', changing into a new pair of pants and underwear. You then wash your face off with warm water and tie your hair into a messy bun on the top of your head.

You quickly blow out all of the candles and go back to your bed, pulling the covers over your tired eyes in a feeble attempt to get warm. The pain continuously shoots through you, but you ignore it and close your eyes.

You sit there for hours, every thirty minutes getting up to either go to the bathroom or get a drink of water. No matter how much you will yourself to go to sleep, you can't.

Finally a beautiful blue hue begins to shine in through your window.

No falling back asleep now.

You sigh and hesitantly pull yourself out of your warm cocoon of covers, walking over to your drawer to pull out your clothes for today's training.

White pants... Dammit.

"Good morning (y/n)," Mikasa yawns out, her feet making two thuds on the floor.

You grunt in response, going into the bathroom to get dressed. You get on everything fine, but when it comes to your straps for 3D gear training, you can't seem to get it right.

You continue to try and get your straps on until you end up as a pathetic heap on the floor, entangled in the straps.

"Mikasa!" you whine, writhing around a bit. She opens the door, her eyebrows furrowed in confusion, entire uniform perfectly on.

Compared to her, you looked like a dead skink.

"What the hell~ oh dear." She understands completely when she sees the frustrated look on your face, lip jutting out in a pouty manner.

She quickly walks over to help you untangle yourself and fix it, finally buckling the last buckle. You sigh in relief.

As she stands up she gives you a pitying look. "You don't have to go to training today if you don't want to. We can tell them that your sick." You nod your head no. "You go when your on your period, and I can too."

As she walks out of the bathroom she answers back. "Yeah, but I wouldn't if I looked like you do. People might think your dying."

You look in the mirror. Your eyes were sunken in due to sleep deprivation. Hair had fallen out of your bun. Your face was paler than a ghosts and you had small beads of sweat running down your face due to that little 'incident'.

No, I'm going to training. Fuck you Mother Nature.

You quickly walk out to put on your brown boots, noticing that Mikasa had already left. You wiggle your toes before standing up and going out the door.

As you close your door behind you, a voice calls out. "Hey (y/n)! How's your morning been?"

You turn to Sasha, who also happens to be standing with Krista and Ymir, and give her a weak smile, rubbing your forehead in pain.

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