TV~ Armin x Reader

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"Armin we need to cook meth."

Your face is set with a serious expression, eyes trained to Armin's. He sighs at your stupidity (in a good way) and turns back towards the TV.


"But why?" you whine, clutching onto a pillow as you watch the show absolutely amazing show in front of you.

He grabs the remote and pauses Breaking Bad, turning towards you.

"Do I have to explain why we shouldn't cook crystal meth?"

"Yes, there is absolutely no reason we shouldn't." You cross your arms across your chest defiantly.

"There are too many reasons to count."

"Explain them then."

He rolls his eyes. "Fine. First, neither of us have cancer, and even if we did we could pay for it."

Your lips press into a thin line.

He has a point.

"Second, drugs are illegal. Il-le-gal. We will get arrested. Third, you failed chemistry. Do I need any other reasons? I have more..."

Your eyebrows furrow together in annoyance.

Damn Armin and his logic.

"Well I suppose you have a point, but think of how much fun we could have!" You plead.

He places his hand on your shoulder, "(y/n), you have got to understand that we are not cooking meth."

You grumble a little 'fine' and turn back towards the TV as Armin presses play on the remote.


Your bouncing in excitement as the battle continues on, the sounds of swords clinking together fill your living room.

I wonder if Armin would come with me to sword fighting lessons

"Dinner's ready!" Your boyfriend yells from your kitchen. You quickly pause the TV, running to Armin's delicious cooking.

"I made Chicken Alfredo." he says, spooning some onto a plate for you.

As you take your first bite you make an indistinguishable noise. The taste spreads across your taste buds.

"Mmm, this is delicious. Thank you Armin."

He nods as he takes a small bite of his.

"Hey, Armin?"


"Can we go to a sword fighting lesson?"

You sets his fork down.

"Why do you want to go to a sword fighting lesson?"

"I've been watching Game of Thrones..."

He takes his last bite of pasta and brings his plate to the sink, setting it down along with his cup. You just sit there awkwardly waiting for his answer, knowing his answer in the back of your head. He walks over and grabs your stuff, bringing it to the sink also.

"We're not getting sword fighting lessons." he says, sitting back down next to you.


"(y/n) when will we ever use sword fighting training?" He opens his laptop and begins doing some of his work, focusing more on it than you.

"Come on Armin! It'll be fun!"

"Maybe someday (nickname), but not anytime soon."

"Good enough," you mumble, giving your boyfriend a kiss on the cheek and going back to watch your show.

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