A Sad End, a New Beginning

6.5K 72 8

Gee willikers, guys! This book has just reached 40k and I just... I'm flabbergasted. I honestly don't think I deserve all those nice comments and votes and such. Thank you, thank you, thank you a billion times over! I've pretty much been neglecting my duties as an author lately by not writing anything for this book like at all, but I just can't get myself to write this anymore.

I really am very sorry guys, but my heart just isn't in this anymore. I don't wanna just force myself to write this because, explained by a very great friend of mine, it kills inspiration like crazy.

Unfortunately, this means there will be no more requests taken or completed for this book. Please don't comment or message me asking for something.

Don't worry though - I still want to continue writing! Just... not this book. Nowadays, I find myself shipping Ereri / Riren among other ships more and more, which was inevitable really.

Maybe I'll start a whole book, maybe I'll just write a few one shots for some of my other ships. I dunno. But fear not, for I will never be leaving the Attack on Titan fandom. This is my home, and I'm too invested in this trash to leave, haha.

Again, thank you guys so much for staying with me for the past year. It means a whole bunch. Please don't hate me for bringing this little book to an end so abruptly. I still love you!

Stay tuned for more fan fiction from yours truly! I'll try to get something out very soon - I promise. 

Stay fabulous.

- Olivia

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