Chapter 32: Dangerous Predicament

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"Demyan and I are leaving." Storm informed me, shaking me lightly. "We will be back in about 2 hours, give it take a few minutes."

I stirred awake, my eyes barely opening. I leaned over the bed and flicked on the lamp switch, putting light in the dark room. Looking at the alarm clock on the table I saw it was the crack of dawn. "Its 3 am, where are you guys going at this time?" I asked rubbing the sleep from my eyes.

"I told you about an hour ago." He told me.

I squinted, trying to recollect that conversation. "You did?" I questioned. He nodded. "I must have been was sleeping."

He snorted. "Your eyes were widen open and you were having a full, literate conversation with me."

I laughed guiltily. "Remind me."

He let out an exasperated sigh. "Demyan's kids 1st Birthday is tomorrow, will today, so as a suprise to Kat Demyan's dragging me to collect his kids." He grumbled.

My eyes widened. "That's tomorrow. I completely forgot." I exclaimed. "Have you planned a little party or something. I could bake a cake and some finger foods. You should go to the supermarket and pick up something on the way. Do you have banners or decoration. Also alcohol for the adults." I rambled. It was a known fact I loved planning parties.

He raised an eyebrow at my craxy muttering. "The kid is one he won't remember anything." He said flatly.

I sat up from the bed, putting my legs under my butt. "But we will." I argued.

He scoffed. "It's not about us." He deadpanned.

"Every child's birthday until like 6 is about the parents." I disputed.

"Good thing we are not the parent, so we don't have to worry." He pointed out. Who cares, I've planned each of Kat's kids birthday since they were born seeing as Kat was never bothered.

I folded my arm against my chest. "I'm his godmother and you're his uncle." I countered. He grimanced at the word uncle.

He rolled his eyes. "Not the same thing."

I waved him off. "I can't wait to be reunited with my baby girl and boy." I yelled. Although they belonged they Kat they were my babies. In all honesty, I probably wiped their added and feed them more than Kat did. Her children were always with me or her brothers while she was off gallavanting.

"You are way to excited for children you have no relation to." He commented, wathcing me weirdly as I squealed in excitement.

"I'm the closet thing they have to an Aunty. I love them like they are mine." I informed him. "You could invite Reno and Jason. Also the guards, not that they have a choice they are always there, not speaking." My brain was churning with ideas. For the third time this year, I've been locked up in one place with hardly anything to look forwards to so this was my big break.

He sighed seeing I was set on planning a little party for him. "I'll try to collect something's at a supermarket if we pass buy one." He yielded.

My smiled widened letting out a little screech. "Thank you and be quick." I urged.

He smirked, walking closer to the bed. Is there an incentive for me rushing." He cooed, pulling my naked body into his clothed one.

I pulled him to a short kiss. "Sleep." I declared, pushing him away and laying back down on the bed.

His screwed up his face. "For that I'm staying an extra hour." He said, turning to leave.

"Fine, when you get back I'll see what I can do for you." I teased, knowing his oversexed mind was always in control.

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