Chapter 4: Dry Spell

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Entering the ballroom my eyes ran the length of the room immediately catching sight of one of the men. He sat alone at the very top of the ballroom, as if he was the all mighty king. With curiosity I stared at him from my position across the room.

Nothing else, yet I could feel my puls  increase slightly in my ears, the pounding blocking all sounds except my breath which in took and released at irregular intervals. Damn he was fine. Just looking at his face took my breath away. He was definitely worth seeing. And at that moment he decided to turn causing his gaze to be fixed on me. Intrigued, I stared at him back challengingly. I wanted to look away, no, I should have looked away already but something about him drew me in like a moth attracted to light. His eyes were beautiful, not as sexy as last nights patient but beautiful nonetheless. I could see it clearly. A deep green which spoke of hidden secrets and untold stories. I could tell he was dangerous but I was willing for him to beat this punani up.

It felt like his eyes was piercing through my soul looking for something. 'You promised yourself no more men, they fuck you and leave. You've had two successful years don't break it for this guy, I coached my self.

He smirked and took a step forward raising his middle and index finger waving me over towards him. My dry spell was broken just like that. My kitty purred like an engine ready to drive, she practically was drooling. I scoffed, bad girl.

I pointed to myself confused as to if he actually wanted me to come. He smiled nodding, his straight white teeth sparkling under the light. He was trying to blind me. He had light brown with a hint of blonde hair that was shaved at he side but had a neat bun at the top.

He had a dangerous look about him but then again one shouldn't judge a book by its cover

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He had a dangerous look about him but then again one shouldn't judge a book by its cover. However my brain was shouting to judge and leave this book on the shelf where it belonged.

I'm meant to be supporting Kat, yet here I am already drooling over some guy I didn't know. For all I know he could have crabs that he was desperate to share with me. I took a long hard thought. It was final, I was not going to get crabs tonight. I looked back up at him and shook my head no and he frowned with a shocked look plastered on his face.

Suddenly the entire ballroom went silent waiting to see what will happen next. I was suddenly aware of the unwanted attention I was receiving and pulled an ugly face. Did brothers want to fight me up in here. Ignoring then, turned around continued walking around looking for Kat to tell her I wanted to go home. If I stayed her I knew that guy was gonna get me and I wouldn't say no.

'Why the is was everyone starting at me, anyways,' I wondered to myself. Have they never seen a girl staring at a sexy looking man.

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