Chapter 1: Stitch Me Up

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Time flowed like drying cement. Slow and dry.

I checked my scraped up cell phone, that needed an instant upgrade, for the time. A single minute had passed since I last checked a few hours ago, or so it seemed. Leaning on the counter, with nothing to do but stare at a wall with chipped red paint, which was excruciatingly dull, I stared into the distance like usual. I began to drift into a very pleasant daydream or was it more of a much wanted fantasy? So hard to tell and I didn't care. Let me tell you it was a sexy one. It helped to pass the time and I wasn't one for entertaining myself with optimism right now.

Everything in my life has a way of going wrong.

First, my parent died in a car crash, so I had to drop out of college because I was not able to pay for the next term. My heart was broken and it took me quite some time to recover, but my parents always told me not the cry for them when they died, as they would be in heaven enjoying floating on the clouds, sipping champagne. Me on the other hand, they jinxed me to struggle down on earth to make ends meet. My parents were reasonably wealthy from the work they did, but they didn't leave me anything in their will or any inheritance. This is because they believe I had to work for everything I want, just like how they both worked their ass off to get where they were.

We were poor for the majority of our lives so I get where they are coming from, but still man not even a hundred dollars. That shit burned. So I didn't get a scrap of money. Not even one flipping cents. They made sure they clean between their couches. But I guess I have to respect them for that. It's their money after all.

Then, my now ex-boyfriend broke up with me because he couldn't be seen with a broke girl. I really hope that egotistic bastard is rotting hell wherever he is. Especially after I accidentally ran him over twice. As a result, I had to move into a modest, but broke down one-bedroom bungalow, partly in the middle of the forest, because my parent hadn't finished paying the mortgage and it now belonged to the bank- seeing that I couldn't continue to pay for anything. This turned me into a twenty-one-year-old college dropout with no future except serving table at this little diner called 'Mamas Kitch'. It was long hours working here but the money I was receiving was acceptable. I mean it paid for my rent, bills and the few now and then groceries, so I wasn't complaining too much. My daydream was broken by a shout and pulled me into the reality of my unremarkable life. "Order up!" Mikey yelled from the back, as he pushed the plates through the kitchen window slots.

"For?" I asked grabbing onto the hot plates.

"Table 12." He replied. "Two medium rare steaks with fries and a side of salad." He told me, grabbing a few fries from each plate before munching on them.

I shrugged my shoulder and I followed suit, taking a few too fries from the plate. "Let's stop eating them before we finish the plate boo." He joked acknowledging the lack of fries on the plate. "Damn, I'm a good cook!" This really wasn't acceptable but... there was really no excuse for doing this. None at all. I disgraced myself. I would cause a storm if I saw this happen.

I handed the food back to him. "Can we have a new plate this is not right?" He rolled his eyes but got to work on a new plate. "Thanks." He handed it to and I took the plate to the designated table.

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