Chapter 2: Night Nurse

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"I see that you made it Storm." A voice called to me, as I walked through the deep alleyway and went into the dock.

"Achilleo Esposito." I called out acknowledging him. "I trust you have my money."

He nodded and threw a couple of Nike bags at me feet. "All eight hundred thousand." He assured me. "Cash." I bent down and opened all four bags and checked a couple stacks each to make sure the money was real.

I got up when I was satisfied that all the money was real and grabbed the bags. "Nice doing business with you. Next time don't be late on your payments, we would not want that pretty little daughter of yours to end up like your wife." I teased, with a wink. "Her blood looked very sweet on my knife and her screams were.... indescribable."

I could see him clenching his fist in anger; his body shaking. "You fucking bastard!" He snarled, making his way to me like a cheetah trying to catch its prey. Since it was dark I couldn't see much but the the bright silver glint was clear to see.

He had a knife.

I moved away from him. He was quite a large man in built so he was definitely strong, but he was really short. He charged towards me. I had my gun in an ankle holster but I didn't want to start shooting in the middle of an alleyway dock next to a busy street, if I didn't have to. To much attention would be drawn. I took another step back and saw I was coming to a dead end, so I slid my black belt out of my pant loops. I wrapped it around my left hand so that the thick buckled end swung loose. "You were stupid to not bring your men Storm." He cackled. Just as he said that, a few other men came out the darkness and stood around me. "I expected more from the world class killer of the Синяя кобры." He tutted in fake disappointment. (Blue Cobras)

I smiled. This was going to be a challenge that I was going to enjoy. "I expected you to know that a couple of wimpy side chicks won't be enough to take me down Achilleo." I jibed. "For being the leader of the most powerdul quater of the mafioso you are really stupid. I expected more."

The men glared at me.

He scoffed. "Let's see what you'll be saying after you have a bullet through your skull." He shouted.

I scoffed. "I like to see you try." I said taunting him. I motioned come with my gloved fingers.

"Ora l'uccida uomini!" Achilleo yelled. Of course he has to get his lap dogs to do his work, he's always been a pussy. (Kill him now men)

His five men circle around me, each with a knife tightly gripped in their hand. I clasped on my belt tighter and got ready. "Come get me little pussies." I sneered, cracking my back. With that they all charge towards me, knife in hand. It was obvious they were all trying to aim for my upper body so I drop to the ground. They didn't expect me to do this and their knives ended up in each other shoulders.

Fucking amateurs.

As they groaned out loud I came up from between there legs and swung the belt hoop with all my might, hitting each on of them in there head as close to there temple as I could. The small action cause them to drop with blood sprouting out their head. One howled like like a wolf to the moon. To end his useless whimpers I stamped on his throats ending his pathetic life and the annoying sound coming out his mouth. The four others however dodge my boot and rolled way. They got up quickly and were now on their feet, shaking their head, trying to see through a black haze.

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