Chapter 40

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This is written a little weirdly and horribly but meh.




Zayn’s point of view.

This was a mess. Everything was in ruins. Ash was still in Louis’ arms, she was still crying. It had been hours and nothing had changed. It was just one big mess. I sighed, standing and walking over to them.

“I’m going out.” I informed them quietly, kissing Ash on the cheek and giving Louis a pat on the back. Neither of them seemed to acknowledge it, they both just sat there, like they had been for the last four hours. It was maddening to watch. I sighed once more before leaving. Niall had gone out; he was making deals with some Model Agency, talking to the Marcus guy on Ash’s behalf. Who knows where Liam had gone, right now I don’t think anyone really cared, he was being a dick.

I closed the door gently behind me, stepping into the cool air. I didn’t really know where I was going; I just needed to get out. I don’t know how much longer I could have handled being in that room. I hoped Harry had the sense to stay under the radar, if he is spotted staying somewhere else rumours will spread through the news like crazy.

My feet shuffled across the concrete path, occasionally hitting puddles of rain water. I really didn’t know what to do. Everything was just a mess. I doubted Harry would come back any time soon, especially with the mood Liam is in. It had become clear that Ashley needs him though; she had finally admitted it to herself, accepted the fact that she loves him. Just a second too late.

Maybe if Harry had any idea what he was putting her through he would come back, for her sake. I sighed, running a hand through my hair. I really didn’t know what to do.


A week passed and nothing changed. Ash never left Harry’s apartment. It’s like she had gone numb, she got worse and worse every day. Niall managed to get her a job, which she won’t be starting until we all agree she is well enough. None of us every guessed it would affect her this much. I don’t think she even expected it. I guess you don’t know what you have until it’s gone. Liam would drop in occasionally, Ash refused to speak to him though. Then again she never spoke much. 


Ash's point of view

We all need that one person. The special someone who makes everything better, who puts a smile on your face, the type you laugh like an idiot around, someone you trust with your life. Because without them life becomes so lonely and painful. No matter how many people were with me, I would always feel alone. Feel like something is missing. Nothing would ever be the same again without Harry. He was never supposed to mean this much to me; I was never supposed to fall so hard. But I did. All at once I was madly and hopelessly in love. It’s like my heart is wilting, a rose with no water. I just wanted him to come back. That’s all I wanted.

I was thrown out of my thoughts by Louis, tapping me lightly on the shoulder.

"I'm getting some food. Do you want anything?" He asked quietly. I just shook my head, I wasn't hungry. He sighed, standing and leaving. My phone began to vibrate, shaking the small patch of couch it was resting on. I took a deep breath, picking it up slowly to check the caller ID, I froze, a lump rising in my throat as I read the name.


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