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I went up to my room again ,lily followed behind . I changed in to a grey adidas sweater and shoes . Paired with white leggings, I took the new collar and leash and put it on lily . I grabbed a black dog shaped chain and put some dogma bags in it and put some dog food into a bag . I put the blanket in to the cage and put lily in it .

I took the cage and my purse making sure everything was in it . I took them to my Ferrari from before and put the cage in the front seat with my purse . I say in the front seat and lily was already sleeping .

I parked the car at the cullens and Alice camere rushing out . "I saw EVERYTHING " she said . I laughed , she picked up lily "hello " she said to her . I took all the things I brought and put them in her cage . I then picked it up , Alice put lily down and I held her leash , she hugged me and said "congratulations" to me because the awards were on live TV . And I thanked her , walking in i picked up lily and set the cage down , i went to the living room and all heads turned to me . "Hello , this is lily " I said , Renesmee giggled . "It's a rather long story " I said . Esme walked up to me and held out her arms , I gave her lily and she smiled . I made sure to take the leash off leaving her with her collar .

"So what did I miss " I say .

And I turns out that Jake went to Charlie and told him that he was a werewolf. He then came to the Cullen's house and Bella was really good at keeping her self control . Bella was also the strongest , she had put Emmet to shame . And Renesmee kept growing uncontrollably.

"Well we can take two good things from this " I say, "what " Bella asks . "You guys don't have to leave me , and Emmet is now the 3d strongest " i say . "Ohhh Emmet she's challenging you " rose says . I smile "I have always been stronger than him just never showed it" I say grinning . "You wanna go wolfie " Emmet says , "let's go leech " I say .

We go to the back yard , we are gonna spar . I get in front of Emmet . We run at each other but in stead of attacking I did an Ariel on top of him . I landed behind him . "Never go for the obvious kill" I say, he runs at me and I do too , before he could attack I slide under his legs and wrap my arms around him from behind . "Never let a vampire get they're arms around you they'll crush you I instantly" I add . I round kick and pin him down . I freeze his arms and legs in place , "all decked out " I joke . "We're is Ness" I say , everyone had been watching .

"Here " Bella says bringing her out , I make the ice melt and use the water to fly around Ness , it turns in to a bunny and she laughs . It turns in to fire and it flys in to the air creating fire works. I could get used to this .

We walk back inside , lily is sleeping soundly in the carpet . I pick her up , and take her cage . "Where's Jacob " I ask before going upstairs, "he's with the pack " Jasper tells me . I nod and head upstairs, "you're gonna meet your dad " I tell lily . I heard chuckles from downstairs , stupid vampires and they're superhuman hearing .

I put the cage down on my bed and put lily on her leash again, I take a hold of her and jump out the window. I let lily down still holding her leash , and we run until we reach Sam's cabin .

Lily is panting she need water . I knock on the door and billy answers "Aurora , how are you " he asks . "I'm ok "I say , "and who's this " he asks pointing to lily ,"this is lily , I was hoping that maybe Paul would like her and I wouldn't get my head bitten off " I say ,billy smiles and we head in . I'm engulfed in a hug by Sara and Leah . I let lily down and take off her leash "I BRING A PEACE OFFERING PAUL " I yelled , the whole pack came down and lily was jumping around like crazy . I run to Jacob and wrap my legs around his waist burying my face in his neck . " I missed you too " he says , I hop down and kiss him on the cheek. "I hope you like the offering , I just got her . The deal is you hang out with her all you like and my head doesn't get detached off my body " I say . Paul looks at me , picks up lily "she so small " he says smiling , I nod "give her a couple of months she'll be 10 times the size . She's a German Shepard , these dogs become big " i say chuckling .

We ended up staying for dinner and lily loved being with the pack . They were all wolves after all , "thank you for everything " I say and me lily , Jacob , and Seth head tot he cullens .

The next few weeks went like this . Renesmee keep t growing and becoming more beautiful and lily was now bigger too .we didn't know how much time we would have left with her , so we treasure me every moment .

My wolf //Jacob Black\\ COMPLETED Where stories live. Discover now