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That morning Jake , Bella , and I had dropped off Ness at Bella's dad house .I took shotgun , Bella drove and Jacob in the back with Ness . "If I don't bring Nessie to him , he'll come get her himself " she said and I smiled softly , "28 vampires and a human , is not the best " she said looking over at me , "But , it's nice to get away from those bloodsuckers " Jake said , and me and Bella looked in the river mirror , a mix of hurt and disbelief on our faces . "Well ur dating one " I respond and he looks at me "ur half wolf " he says and I look down . "Ok , Sorry .... I know , they're the good ones, but at least admit it , Dracula 1 and 2 are ... freaky " he trailed off and we all burst in to a fit of giggles , "yes " bella added in agreement as we parked in front of Charlie's house .

He and Suzy , his partner I think , walk out of the house . As we all get out of the car Ness opens the door and runs to Charlie , "look at her " he exclaims picking up Ness and spinning her around , he long brown hair fling in a circle . "You grew up so much " Charlie exclaims as Nessie nods , "literally " he adds and I stifle a giggle as I take Jakes hand in mine , "15cm" he says to Suzy as he raps an arm around her , "go inside , i made lunch " she says , "we have to make the Christmas tree " Charlie adds . "I have errands to do " bella cuts in looking at us from the car , "I'll come back early ok " she says getting in the car and driving away as Charlie Suzy and Ness run inside . Me and Jake look at each other , he kisses me briefly on the lips as we hurry inside .

That night bella came to pick us up , the car ride was rather silent , I could tell something was bothering bella , but I knew she wasn't in the mood .

As we arrived back at the Cullen's , Renesmee ran to Edward who picked her up cheerfully . He looked at me , and Bella and smiled and so did we . We had dropped off Jake back at the cabin who was there to get Seth her so he could spend some time with Ness .

"It s my least favorite bloodsucker " I say as I walk up to him , he rolls his eyes and I smile , "you like this evil woman " he asks Ness who pouts and nods "she my aunt " she says and smiles , I hear a bark from the distance and look to see lily , she had grown a bit already . "Aww , who's this beautiful angel " I say and she runs in to my arms her tail waggling , "I missed you too " I say .

The next day we were back at Charlie's , me Seth , Jake . Lea , Edward , Bella , and Nessie . I had even brought lily along . We had one day before the volturi came , and I was feeling nervous . What will Aro say when he sees me , of course I expect him to find out about me , but what will they do , what if they kill me .

We were all seated around the couches , set and Lea eating up all the cookies as me and Jake watched Ness play around with lily , "Seth , lea stop eating all the cookies " Charlie said and I smiled , everyone else came in to the living room , "it's time open gifts , you first Seth" Charlie added and Seth smile giving Ness a silver package.

Bella and Edward gave Charlie and Suzy a 5 day trip on a river I didn't catch the name of , "you go tomorrow " Edward adds and that's when I caught on , Bella wanted her dad and his girlfriend away before the battle . "That's nice , but we can't go tomorrow " Charlie said and Suzy cut in , "i arranged everything at work already " , "evil " Charlie muttered and I smiled ." And expensive " Charlie said , "and non refundable " I cut in . "You wanted to get rid of me " he said looking at me and everyone else , "you did it" he exclaimed laughing in joy and we all smiled looking at each other knowingly.

Suzy sat on Charlie's lap happily as bella crouched down to Nessie's level "Hey what is that " she said smiling , Jake and Seth had made a leather bracelet for Ness , she was so happy . Bella put the bracelet on Ness , her smile bright "it's beautiful right " Ness asked , "it's very beautiful " bella replied .

That night we all started our journey on the mountains , it was cold , for the wolves of course . The night sky brimming with shining stars , it's dark blue color reflecting on the snow that crunched every time we step a foot on it . There was some tents set around , as we put some logs for benches , and some in the middle , Benjamin made a small fire in his fingers and throwing it in the small bunch of logs that we made in the center , as the orange ball of heat springs to life I close my eyes and spread it's heat with my powers . "Exactly what I meant " Jacob said sitting next to Benjamin , "a good campfire before battle , telling war stories " He added rubbing his hands together . "Or remaining standing awkwardly" I sarcastically remark sitting on Jake's lap as he laughs in agreement. Suddenly garret spins in and sits in and sits on the lug next to us"Name any American battle , I was there"Jacob laughs "Little Bighorn " he says , "I got this close to biting Custer " he says gesturing with his fingers separating them with close distance , "but the Indians got him first " he finishes . Just then Kate spins in sitting on his lap "try Oleg's assault on Constantinople . He didn't win that one on his own " she says , "If you're talking battles, you're talking the elven years' war . No one does the rebellion like the Irish " Liam says sitting on the same log ,my attention going back and forth between the vamps . "You lost the 11 year war" garret contradicts , "Aye. But it was one hell of a rebellion " Liam responds .

Soon the other vampires joined as well , "when we ruled , everything came to us. Prey, diplomats , favor seekers . Such was our power . But we never put on white hats and called ourselves saints " Vladimir said ," We we're honest about who we were" Stefan added . "We sat still for a very long time . We didn't notice we were beginning to petrify" , " perhaps the Volturi did us a favor when they burned our castles " , "we've been waiting 1,500 years to return that favor . We have been ready to do battle for ages" Vladimir and Stefan finish and we look around . I spot Carlisle and Edward talking in the distance , but maybe it's better if they have they're own time together .

"What about you " Jacob asks me and I look at him , "the one with the many talents , what have you done" garret says and I smile , I hadn't really been a violent vampire but I've definitely caused some trouble , "well , let's say in my glory days I had well known preys " I say and everyone looks at me , "promised Lincoln a 'night a the theater ' " I say putting quotes around the words , "almost caused a war " I add smirking and everyone smiled . Maybe this night wasn't as bad , we'll see what tomorrow held for us .

My wolf //Jacob Black\\ COMPLETED Where stories live. Discover now