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I walk up the steps that lead to my front door and unlock it . On my way out of the cullens house I grabbed my purse. I walked in, I hadn't been her in so long, I check the time in one of my clocks . It read 8:30, good I can finish my book . I go up the stairs to my master bedroom. On the bed was the laptop I wrote my books  in, I walk in and put the laptop on my lap. I finish the last page and publish it, it was now complete. I head downstairs and I hear a small bark come from outside, since I'm a half vamp I can hear things that are far away. Then my doorbell rings , I smell human but it vanished quickly. I open the door and on my door step I see the cutest thing ever. It was a German Shepard puppy, it was left inside a box with a blanket and a smaller box . I pick it up and head back inside . Closing the door behind me I make sure to lock it and head to the kitchen . I put it on my table top and pick up the puppy . "Hello little guy " I say , I take a good look at him, "OH you're a girl " I say . I take the note and open it .

Hello miss , this dog is in need of a home . I'm am unable to take care of her so I have been looking for a new home . I had been watching you for a little bit of time and you seem like the person who could afford a dog . This is lily , she is 5 weeks old and is a German Shepard . I hope you will take care of her


I smile, I always wanted a dog. Especially now that I can afford a big one, "hello lily " I say. She perks up at the mention of her name. She wiggles her tail and I laugh, I check the time and it's 8:45 . "We have time for you to go to the vet and get some food .

I walk with the dog , grab my purse and head in to the garage . We take my red Ferrari and I go to the nearest vet .

I get out of the car and head in , all heads snap towards me and I'm swarmed with 3 fans . "Aurora can I have a picture " a girl says . She was sweet and had brown hair put in two braids with blue eyes . I end up taking a picture with all of them and I give the autograph on my copy of the book I finished writing last year .

The guy the owner the place was a fan of mine so he let me in quickly. The doctor checked lily and she was healthy . They prescribed me a type of food and I went to the store . I made a list of things that I needed and went to the store to get them .


We get home and it's almost 10 . Luckily for me a limousine was picking me up so I didn't have to worry . I set up the cage and put the food with water and let the dog in the yard starched to the leash witch was put secure by the door so she wouldn't run away . I let her do her business before putting her in her cage . "I'll come back later lily , and then you're gonna meet Ness . She's gonna love you " I say .

I hear a honk outside and make sure I have my hair gone Keyes and wallet . I open the door and close it behind me . I walk to the car and someone opens the door for me . "Thank you " I say and the man nods . I sit down and the door is closed . I hadn't noticed the person who was sitting in the other side of the limo until they spoke up . "Nice to meet you in person miss smith " the person says startling me . "O my god " I mutter . It was Tom Hiddleston, he makes his cute 'eheheheh' sound that drives me crazy . "I would kneel but the small space won't allow me to do so " I joke . I shake his hand , wow I'm actually not  showing how much  i'm freaking out . "So you like the avengers " he says , "yes " , "who's your favorite character " he asks . I smirk "well there is this god everyone loves and I can't say I'm not intrigued " I say . He smiles ,"but his brother ! " I explain and he pouts playfully. "Loki is indeed my favorite, mostly because he relates to me in a way " I say and he looks at me questioningly. I sigh "I am adopted, my parents died a couple of years ago and we weren't in the best of terms " i say . "Well it's all better now " he says , "I just got a dog " I say , he smiles . "Literally 1 hour ago , I found him in my doorstep " I say . He laughs, the limo comes to a stop and the door opens .

My wolf //Jacob Black\\ COMPLETED Where stories live. Discover now