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I woke up with the feeling of two strong arms wrapped protectively around me . I try to turn around to look at the person and I remember going to sleep with Jacob . I smile to myself , I take his big warm hand and unwrap myself . I try not to wake him up but of course I fail miserably , "Aurora " Jacob  calls, I smile and turn around. He had a deep Morning voice that made my heart flutter and butterflies in my stomach fly around. "Hey " I say pecking him in the lips, he smiles and I get up, but before I could he takes my wrist . "Stay a bit longer " he says , "Bella's gonna wake up today " I say , he quietly nods and I head to my room . I enter and Seth and Ness are still asleep .

I laugh to myself and go to the bathroom . I change (outfit above) and do my hair and makeup . I walk out and Renesmee is sitting up . But Seth is still sleeping , I grab her "good morning beautiful " I say when we reach the bottom of the steps . I bring her in to the kitchen and sit her in her own chair . I make her her own food and feed it , her mouth is clean while she eats . HAHA I think , only one person she eats clean like that and it's me, I'm the only person who doesn't get dirty when we hunt,  i love it , even Edward does sometimes, I think. "well I can argue against that " a voice says , Edward . "It's me " he says , I groan and he laughs . "Morning princess " he says picking up Renesmee. I smile and clean up her food .

Then something in my mind stirs , and I feel a soul awakening , it was a strong feeling that made my mood change completely . I run to were bella the is and her eyes are open . Not even a second later Edward is next to me handing me Renesmee, he must have heard my thoughts back in the kitchen. I head to the living room , giving Edward and Bella some time alone . And meet up with everyone, "I saw her " Alice says when I enter. I smile  and see Jacob on the couch and give Rose Renesmee. I sit next to him and cuddle up with him . He puts an arm around me protectively . And 10 minutes later Edward comes in , i get up and he tells me to go get bella. I go to the room and see her standing in front of a mirror looking at herself , she was beautiful . "Now I know where Renesmee gets her looks from " I say, Bella looks at me and in a half of a second she is Crushing me in a hug " Bella y-your crushing me " I manage to say , "sorry " she says . "Immortality looks good on you Bell" I say , she smiles "let's go meet her " I say referring to ness , but before she could run off to find her a grab her wrist ,"walking" I say. She nods and we start walking to the living room.

When we enter the living room Rosalie is holding Ness, and Seth is with her and Jake. Everyone else turns to look at Bella . " you look beautiful " Alice says," I think there is someone who would like to meet you " Carlisle says. "Rose" Edward calls, Rose turns around revealing Ness. Bella looks over at her like she's the only thing that matters. Renesmee giggles and Rose hands her over to Bella who takes her in her arms, cradling her like a mom would . Renesmee looks at Bella and smiles, she already has teeth growing. Ness puts a hand on Bella's cheek, probably showing her the ability she has . " what was that " Bella asks, "she showed you the first memory she had of you " Edward says, I silently walk over to Jake and he puts his arm around me. " how did she do that " bella asks, Edward laughs lightly "how do I read minds, how can Alice see the future, how can aurora control the elements " Edward says , Bella looks shocked at the last statement, I chuckle and she looks over at me . She sees Jacob's arm and smiles wider " really ?" she asked , " yes " I say putting my head on Jacobs shoulder. "She has a gift" Edward finishes . Bella looks back at Renesmee and puts a hand on her mouth revealing Renesmee's bottom teeth, " it's only been three days " she states. "She's growing in a fast rhythm, without stopping " Carlisle says, Edward looks down  a bit.

" Alright that's enough experimenting for one day " Seth says, " Seth , Bella  is doing great " Edward says , "yea let's not exaggerate " Seth says, Bella looks down smiling. But when Seth reaches down to get Ness Bella looks at him questioningly. " what's your problem " she asks, "Ohh , come on tell her Seth " Rosalie says , "this should be fun " Emmet says. I glare at him before looking back at Bella . "wait a moment " Edward says , "Bella " he adds and she gives him Ness . "It's a wolf thing " Seth starts, "What's a 'wolf thing' " she asks narrowing her eyes at Seth. Everyone starts to back away. "Umm , you know it's a thing that we can't control " Seth states, "we can't choose who it happens with " I say , " and it doesn't  mean what you think " Jacob adds , " in the most absolute way " Seth says ,she looks at us three and narrows her eyes back at Seth . "Take Renesmee away " bella says , Edward lightly touches her arm trying to calm her down. "Don't touch me Edward, I wouldn't wanna hurt you " she tells him. Edward slowly backs away. " look , listen " Seth starts but she grabs him by the neck bringing him down. They walk fast outside and Jacob runs for Seth.

Outside she throws him on the ground . " YOU IMPRINTED ON MY DAUGHTER " she yells , " it wasn't my choice " Seth says . " She's just a baby " she adds , " it's not what you think " he says . Everyone is all around the front porch with Jake on the bottom steps. " you think Edward would have let him live if it was like that " Jacob says , " still debating " Edward says, I whack him in the head and he looks at me before turning back around smirking . " I held her once Seth , ONCE. And you think that you already have some wolfie claim on her" she yells . "SHES MINE " she yells pushing Seth back making him fall in the floor . Edward laughs and I whack him in the neck again . Jacob stands in front of Seth protectively , " it's fine Jake " Seth  says standing back up , " stay away from Renesmee " she says pointing to Seth , " you know I can't do that " Seth says , vamp speed she dodges Jacob and pushes Seth again . " stop her Edward " Esme begs, " she said its fine , she amazing right " Edward says, I glare at him, ' I will hurt you ' I think loudly. He grins more and looks at Bella "Remember how close you wanted me 4 days ago , that's gone right ? " Seth asks facing bella , Jacob moves away hoping they would just yell it out. " Long gone " she says, "because it was her , from the first moment it was Nessie that wanted me close " Seth says . " Nessie , YOU NAMED MY DAUGHTER AFTER THE LOCKNESS MONSTER " bella yells , she goes for Seth again but Jacob jumps trying to stop her causing bella to push him in to a tree . " NO " I yell , Bella looks at me and then back at Jake . " Sorry Jacob " she says , "I'll be fine " Jacob says. Seth turns to look at Bella again , " Bella you know me well , better than anyone else. You know that all I want is for Ness- ... Renesmee to be safe and happy." Seth says, " nothing used to make sense before , me , you . Our relationship, now I know why , this was was the reason " Seth says looking at Bella . She inhaled sharply even if she didn't need to. She looks down , all her anger shoved deep down , Then she turns around and smiles slightly looking at me . She runs up to me and hugs me , lighter this time . " I never got to thank you " she says to me , "for what " I ask in disbelief. " for everything you did to save me and Renesmee " she says , I smile " Also " I start , " I happen to think Ness is a better nickname " I add , " Ness " she repeats , " I like it " she finishes.

My wolf //Jacob Black\\ COMPLETED Where stories live. Discover now