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"WHAT" I yell , he looked at me , I could tell how much it's hurting him that Bella is in this condition. I close my eyes and let out a sigh "Anything for you Ed " I say smiling a bit. I ran to my room, changed and packed . I knew I was gonna have to stay there , me and Edward had gotten at a point in our friendships were  we just knew . I knew it was long since I could heal. I ran back downstairs and Edward was seated on the couch hands covering his face , he would probably cry if he could . " I don't cry" he suddenly said , he can read minds I remind myself ." Sorry " I say , "Are you sure you want to do this " he says and I nod , he opens the door " you ready" " As ready as I'll ever be".  I close the door behind me and I spot Edwards car in the driveway. We walk over to it and Edwards grabs my suitcase and puts it in my trunk. Thanks I think,"your welcome " he says . I smile to myself , it had not been long since the last time I saw him, but he's my best friend so it felt like a long time to me . He smiles and I do to , we get in to the car and stay driving ." How far along is she " I say, " well the vampire is growing fast so it won't be the 9 months kind of thing" I nod , I mean a vamp/ human baby isn't the most normal thing in the world . " I sure hope not " Edward says , " Stop reading my mind !" I yell playfully " you know I can't" he says , the rest of the car ride was silent . But it was comfortable silence , I had spent days in this car so I was used to it .

Some time after we parked in front of the cullens house. " it seems like I haven't been here in forever " i say, " trust me it hasn't been that long " he smiles , we go up to the door and surprise surprise Alice opens it before I could knock " Alice ! " i say excitedly " Aurora!" She squeals , we hug for 5 seconds before Rosalie comes in to view "Rose!" "Rory!", we hug and fully enter the house "hey squirt " a voice says ruffling my hair , "hi Emmet " I say fixing my hair down, "where is  the southern gal " I say smiling "I'm not a gal " a male voice says , I hug him "good to see you too Jasper " he nods . In the living room Carlisle and Esme were there. " Esme , Carlisle " I say happily before hugging them both as well .

And lastly on the couch is a dying bella, I know how that sounds but I could see it, this baby was killing her slowly . I hug bella lightly " Hey" I whisper , her stomach was twice her size . Her face was pale and looked like she hadn't eaten in a week, which by looking at the rest of her body, she didn't . Her stomach was bruised by how hard the baby was kicking. " I'm so happy to see you" she says , her voice broken . She was a porcelain doll that was being broken slowly . It was a good thing I was here . " I missed you bell " I say , she smiled and nodded. " I can do some healing , it won't fully help her but it's something " I say , " we want all the help you can give us " Edward says . I nod and walk over to bella , " I'm gonna look at the baby and see what is going on ok " I smile , she nods "lay down fully " I say , she does and I put my hands on either side of her head , I focus on my healing powers and close my eyes . I imagine my blue healing powers go down from my hands to her head down to her stomach , it's a girl . She looks like both bella and Edward combined . But has bits and pieces of everyone . I open my eyes and they shine blue . I heal bella a bit and the bruises disappear , and she falls asleep . I remove my hands and my eyes go back to their golden color . " SHE " I start " is beautiful " I say the last part smiling, "but I'm not sure she is gonna live through it, this baby is killing her form the inside". I look over at Edward and he's lookin at Bella like she's the only person there . Which to him she is .

There is knocking on he door and Esme goes to get it . In the living Seth and Leah enter and another male .

He is a taller than me with short brown hair and glistening chocolate brown eyes . His skin was very tan and he had thin pink lips. As I look at him, something inside me stirs, it's like gravity doesn't define me anymore, it's just him. Flashes of me and him appear in my head, from running in the woods to laying on the grass, is dancing together, And I feel the sudden need to go and stay close to him no matter what .

I brake out of my trans, and look over at everyone else. They seem to not notice my small trance that wasn't so small. " hey Aurora " Seth says , " hey Seth" I say hugging him , Leah smiles and hugs me too. " What's up " I say looking at him " we have to tell you something " he says directing to everyone in the room .( I'm changing the story so Seth and Jacob are switching, so it was Seth and Edward fighting for bella, oh and Seth is 18 too). Seth goes over to bella " she's sleeping ". I look over at the guy and he's also looking at me, he smells like dog too . " it's because he is one Aurora " Edward says , " stop reading my mind " I say groaning . He just laughs and the others smile . " I'm Jacob " he says extending his arm , " I'm Aurora " I say shaking it . I feel a zap of electricity when his hand touches mine, he instantly takes it away when he feels my coldness. I think that he thinks I'm full on vampire because he looks at me with a newfound disgust , I'm tanner than a vampire but my coldness gave me away. I just look down and walk passed him over to where rose is standing . " So what's wrong " Carlisle speaks up . Suddenly Jacob goes rigid " it's Sam and the pack" he starts , " they found out about bella ".

My wolf //Jacob Black\\ COMPLETED Where stories live. Discover now