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Seth was sleeping on one of the blue couches and Jacob on the other. Edward, Bella were waiting in front of the door that goes in to the woods. I was next to them and Bella was holding Renesmee. They were both very happy. " I have to get home sometime tomorrow " I say. " why ? " Bella asks , " I'm an Author , and before Edward came to my house I was working on a book . I wouldn't say I'm 'Famous ' but I'm well know for my adventure books . And I was almost done with that one . " I say, and they nod." but you'll come back right " Bella asks , " yes , I can't leave wolfie here alone . He would  probably go crazy within 2-3 days . " I say , " yeah imprinting is like that " Jacob says before falling back asleep . From the distance Jasper, Alice, Emmet, Esme, And Carlisle are walking back. Wide smiles on their faces, I knew why. But I know he can hear me right now. I think turning to Edward , he pouts playfully before looking back at his family. "Finally " i say , Rosalie comes in to the living room rubbing her hands together. " my turn " she says picking up Renesmee from Bella, she smiles. Alice comes in with the rest " happy birthday " she says . "I just stopped aging " Bella says, " but we celebrate anyways , so silence ". She holds out a key in front of Bella .

I walk with Alice through the woods, Bella and Edward behind us . " I still hate surprises " Bella says , " but you will like this one " I say, at one point we stop walking "welcome home " Alice exclaims . There was a house hidden in the woods , it had a very comfortable and homie feeling to it. " We thought you guys would have liked your own personal place " Alice adds. "what do you think " I ask , " I think it's perfect " Bella says. Edward smiles , " Go " Alice says , I push them both lightly and they walk towards the house . " Have fun " me and Alice yell . We look at each other and smile .

We walk back in to the house , " did they like it " Esme asks, me and Alice nod . "wonder what they're doing right now " Emmet says , " I like to call it ... the Devil's tango " I say smugly . Everyone laughs and I get whacked in the head by Alice . " ow " I say rubbing my head .

I head to the living room and Seth is gone . " he went with Rosalie to put Ness to sleep " Jacob says , I look at him " I'm not tired " I say, " then I'm alone tonight" he says pouting . "Maybe " I say sitting on his lap . I lay my head on his shoulder . " you're cold" he says . "oops sorry " i say , I let the heat take over my body and my temperature starts rising. I cuddle close to Jake . But before I could fall asleep Alice comes running in the living room . " AURORA " she yells , I get startled and stand quickly . " what , what happened . Is everyone ok" I ramble . " we're fine , but YOU. Have explanations to give " she says holding out an iPad . I look at her confused and take the iPad . On the screen is something that made me gasp .

S.E. Hinton , Tom Hiddleston , and Aurora Smith have been nominated for 'best author of the year award 2019' tomorrow we will be announcing live whom out of the 3 amazing authors will receive the award . Let the best person win.

I read aloud , I remembered what I had been doing before leaving, I was writing a book and I was almost done too . "You have to go" Esme says to me . "I should have something upstairs " I add. "It starts at 10:00AM" rose adds . I nod "I'm an author , and this author need to sleep " I say . I lay back down and cuddle close to Jake . " get a room " Emmet says before heading out with everyone else .

The next morning I wake up at 7:00AM , still wrapped by Jacob . I slowly untangle myself from his grasp and head to the kitchen . "Morning" I mumble . "Well you look horrible " a voice says , I see Emmet there , "thank you" I say sarcastically. I grab a glass of water and go to my room .

I enter and go for my phone , I hadn't touched it in days . I had millions of calls from my best friend Ali . And my insta was blowing up . I open it to see messages like"where are you " , "congrats", or "OMG you're nominated with Tom Hiddleston " . I posted a pic explaining that I needed a break , and I would be there . And that I was sorry I didn't say anything, I called my bestie and explained everything the same way , lying smoothly . I always had a thing for mischief and trouble , I guess it's why Loki is my favorite character from the avengers .

I look through my closet and find a stunning to piece . It was red top , with a skirt that was white with roses everywhere. I take a shower and do my hair and makeup. Putting my dress on I also put on my favorite pair of red heels . I check the time , it was 9:00AM . I walk downstairs after checking where I had to go , that's why I now know that a limo was picking me up at my house . Fortunately the awards were gonna be given right here in Washington, as I walk downstairs emmet and Carlisle ."is this better " I say , emmet looks at me and grins . Carlisle smiles and shakes his head .

Two people come in and I recognize them as bella and Edward."done already " Emmet asks , I stifle a laugh. Well played Ed , I smirk looking at him and he glared at me. Jacob comes in , looks like he already cleaned himself up. "Where's Renesmee?" Bella asks, "the blond has her " jake says looking out the window. There is rose playing with ness , "did you break anything " emmet says smirking , "emmet, no" bella says quietly . Jacob hides his smirk and Carlisle stifles a laugh . "Emmet No , just a shirt ... or two" I add . Edward smiles and emmet laughs .

Suddenly the phone rings , " is it.. " I trail off. "It's Charlie" bella says , "he calls at least twice a day " Edward says I nod slowly."we should tell him you didn't make it" Carlisle says concern written on his features."he has to mourn your death"Edward says and Jacob nods."ok we'll do it tomorrow" bella says . " I'm gonna miss this place" emmet says getting up. No I don't want this , but the decision was not mine. "You'll come back , you always do" I say , Edward looked at me knowingly.

"What , no one ever talked about leaving " Jacob says "if we say Bella's dead we can't risk someone seeing her "Carlisle says , "so you guys just , disappear " Jacob says ."Jacob we don't have another choice " Edward says .

Jacob opens the door and heads out , I speed to bella and hug her. " I have to leave now so I can finish everything , I'll be back later " I say , "ok " she says hugging me back .

I head outside to see Jake getting on his motorcycle , I walk to him . "I will see you later right ?" He says and I nod . I give him a kiss and start heading to my house .

My wolf //Jacob Black\\ COMPLETED Where stories live. Discover now