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As the night rolled around more I woke up . Cold. I changed in the spare room I was given . And went downstairs, " Alice where is everyone ", I ask " they are out hunting " she said , " the wolves will get them !" , "they have a plan don't worry " she says . I nod , " how are you " I say towards Bella , " I'm better " she says smiling , I walk over to her and sit on the couch with her , I make my body radiate heat and she puts her head on my stomach .

I hear wolves howling , they did it . I smile to myself, Seth ,Jake and Edward are back and we are all in the room with Bella , " hey are you ok " she asks Seth , "I'm not the one carrying a demon child " he says . "Come on tell him " rose says to bella " we were deciding the name of the baby " I say, " but Rosalie doesn't like them " Bella adds , " it's not bad , i was playing with our mothers names , Renee and Esme , so it's Renesmee Cullen " she says, " I love it " I say . "Renesmee " Seth repeats , " too weird " Bella asks , "No " Jacob says , " it's beautiful " Edward finishes .
" I like it " Rosalie whispers , she hands Bella the cup but she doesn't grab it .

Everything feels like it happens in slow motion , the cup slips away and as it falls on the floor you could hear bones cracking , it was Bella's spine . She was falling but before her head could hit the ground Edward caught it .And the cup broke on the floor spilling all the blood .

We bring her to the bed made for her and Alice calls Carlisle. " Aurora give me the morphine " Edward says , I hand it to him and he gives Bella the shot ." It's coming as quick as it can but " Alice says ," we have to do it ourselves " rose says . She grabs a knife and goes to cut Bella but I stop her , " Rose the shot has to take effect " I say , " we don't have anymore time , she's dying " rose says , " Get it out " Bella suddenly yells .  I let Rosalie go and she files the knife in to Bella's stomach making her scream in agony . But before she could continue Rosalie takes away her arm looking at the blood like she was gonna die without it . Seth jumps at her and Alice takes her away . All eyes were on me know , I use the knife and cut deeper , she's screaming more and more and I'm trying not to sink my teeth in her . I am able to see her , the more I cut the more Bella screams and pain courses through me from the bind I had created but I keep strong .

I grab the baby carefully  and you can hear cries . I smile at Edward as he picks her up. I have tears streaming down my face of joy and sadness  . " I can do it " I say suddenly. I use all my magic to extend Bella's life a few more seconds , my eyes start flashing all sorts of colors , blue ;yellow;red;pink . I'm trying but I feel myself getting weaker by the second . Edward gives bella the baby " beautiful " she says . Seth and Edward smile and I feel two pairs of warm hands wrap around me holding me . It's Jacob . It made me feel safe and more concentrated. Giving bella a few more seconds before I fall to my knees . Jacob picks me up bridal style and the last thing I see was a smile on Bella's face and her the life leaving her hazel eyes . I cry in to Jacobs shoulder, I look at him taking a deep breath and find the strength and stand up "I need to be there" I say and he looks at me worried. Rosalie comes back " are you sure " Edward says , he probably read her mind . "yes " she says . He hands her Renesmee . " the venom " I tell Edward . He looks for it and he stabs bella with it injecting  her with it , but nothing happens I can feel it .

" Seth , Jake get out " I yell sternly . They do without hesitation and my vein turns yellow " what is that " he says . "  I was lucky not to feel all that she felt all at once , our connection was strong " I say  and Edward looks confused " my venom " I say holding my hand up ." You can't , what will happen. Your genes aren't the same as mine" he says,'he goes to her but I stop him , " you're my best friend Edward , Like and older brother I would do anything for you, and Bella . We got so close the day of your wedding, I'm stronger. The venom has to work no matter what" ,  I say and he steps back , I take a syringe and inject it my vein, I take her wrist and inject it directly into her veins . I watch as my healing powers work , it all happened so fast , my tears turn in to happy ones , " 3 days " I say calculating in my head . He finishes and hugs me tight . I smile Edward was never the one for hugs ."Thank you " he says , " it was nothing " .

JACOB'S POV ( I bet you didn't see that coming)

I was with Seth trying to calm him down , he loved bella . And know she was dead , I walk beck to where Aurora and Edward were and they were hugging and smiling . I look over at Bella and she's there dead . What the hell , why would they be hugging happily when his wife and her best friend is dead ??. I walk away anger flowing through me , but it wasn't just that . It was Jealousy, but why . Did I like Aurora , it was since she asked me to stay with her that I was feeling weird. Then all of a sudden I hear howling .

My wolf //Jacob Black\\ COMPLETED Where stories live. Discover now