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We were in the library, "immortal children were beautiful creatures , charming . You couldn't not love them , but they'd stopped at the age they were bitten . You couldn't teach them anything , they couldn't control themselves " I say , "it only took one tantrum to destroy a whole village " Carlisle says .

That made me remember a horrible experience I managed to get away from hundred of years ago .
( Words line this >hand are me narrating my memory)

It was dark out , everything was made of hay and wood and it was all in flames . Horse running around wildly and the child . Humans saw chaos , the volturi had to intervene. The child had blond hair and crimson red eyes , Jane was there and she had a fake smile on her face .

"The children couldn't keep our secret so they were destroyed " Carlisle says

Jane used her pointer finger in a No motion , she picked up the child and you could see the swarm of people cowering behind her . A woman was running towards them "NO" she kept screaming over and over . Jane used her power to inflict pain on her , Their creators loved them and battled to protect them .

"Older clans were being destroyed , many humans massacred " Carlisle says , everyone was either sad or uncomfortable at this point .

Jane lit up a pile of dead humans using a torch , traditions , families , entire families all destroyed . 3 women running to were the fire had been lit , the mother of the child held by other members of the volturi . "Mother " on of the three screamed as the other yelled No . All of them has blood red eyes .

"The mother of the clan created an immortal child " bella asked , "yes " I answered . "And she payed the price " I add .

Aro nodded to a member and Marcus decapitated her and burned her . Tossing the child in the fire .

"I still don't know to this day how you managed to escape " Carlisle says , Bella looks at me questioningly. "I'm not a normal vampire " I say sighing . Because my mom was a wolf I was able to obtain more than one ability " i say."You guys never questioned me either , I have 3 powers . Healing which I used to save bella " I said and she smiled , "I can control the elements " I add , "And ... I can fly" i say. "That's impossible " Jasper says , "well vampires and werewolves exist " I remark .

" Renesmee is nothing like that , I gave birth to her and she grows up uncontrollably " bella says bringing us back to the conversation ,"can't you just explain it to them " Jacob asks , "Aro has enough evidence from Irina's thoughts ":bella says . "So we go to war " Jacob says , "they're weapons are too strong , no one can resist Jane " jasper says . "And Alec is worse " Alice adds. "Then well convince them " bella says . "They're coming to kill us , not talk" emmet says "he's right , we might not be able to convince them . But others will. Carlisle you have friends all over the globe" Edward says , "I won't ask them to come to war " Carlisle says , "no not war, just to be witnesses. If the people who know the truth are in many we might be able to convince the volturi to listen ." Edward says "we can ask that to our friends " esame says rubbing Carlisle's armo for some comfort. Everyone was in deep thought but we knew it was what we had to do .

The next day we started packing . "At leas this is an excuse to go back to London, we haven't been there in a while" esame says smiling . "So it's time to really get going " Jacob says putting on a backpack . He spots something out the window and I go up to him wrapping an arm around his waist , I look were he was looking and see Paul coming toward us .

We walked outside and he hands me a note , "Alice asked me to give this to you " Paul says ,"she and jasper are crossing the ocean tonight " he adds , "Carlisle " Esme says , "they left" Carlisle said . "Why" rose asked ,"it doesn't say that " Carlisle says looking down . "What's written in it " Bella asks walking up to Carlisle and I follow behind .

The paper read "Gather as many witnesses as you guys can before the first snow falls , that's when they will arrive " , bella turned it around and it said ' The Merchant of Venice' in bold letters by William Shakespeare .

Alice's directions were clear , but why would her and jasper abandon us without explanation , what did they know . So the search for witnesses began and we started with close family and friends which would lead us to expand .

We were in Edwards Volvo going through the mountains, I was with Jake and Ness in the back with Ed and Bella in the front . We stopped at the top were and nice and cozy looking house was placed , it looked a lot like mine . Seth has some issues and had to leave , it was hard but we did it"

Edward got out and walked over to were 3 women and 1 Man were standing . "Edward is everything ok" one asked , "why didn't you tell us you were coming " another asked . "Is it for Irina " she said , "we haven't seen or heard from her " she added . "Not directly " Edward said , "why is your wife staying in the car " the man asked , "and why did you bring a wolf with you , I can smell it " she said . "My family is in danger you need to help me " Edward said , "why are they in danger " the only brunette out of the three women asked ,"its hard to explain, can you hear me out without making conclusions to soon" Edward asked , "of course the blond female with the straight hair said .

Bella tuned around and looked at ness ,"we're gonna meet new people " she said , "but what if they don't like me " ness said , "they'll love you " Jake said , "when they understand you " Bella said , "it's just that they never met someone like you " i say smiling , me and Bella make eye contact smiling . "Come on " she said opening the car door , Jake got out and I did too on the other side .

I walked over to Edward and turned around , when ness came in to view all the girls gasped and backed away . "The volturi are going to get us " the one with the straight hair said , "take that thing away from here" the one with the curly blond hair said . "She's not what you think " I said , "it's a crime " she said running to me but I blocked her with a snow wall sending her back in to the snow . The one witb the straight hair came at me but Edward blocked her and she started electrocuting his hand . Bella ran and grabbed her hands not seeming to be fazed by her . She went flying backwards , they both came at us but I got in front of Edward and Bella putting a wall of ice in front of me and the blonds . "STOP , there is human blood running through her veins " I say, "you can feel the heat radiating through her body "Edward adds ,"it's true I can feel it" the brunette said . "I'm her biological father , and Bella is her biological mother " Edward says , "it's impossible the straight hair blond is says . "It's true , she was born while I was still human " Bella said . "I've never heard something like this " the man said . "She can show you everything " I say , we all tune towards Jake and Ness , Jake picks her up and they start heading here .

"Tania you owe us , we have a death sentence because your sister didn't let us explain " Edward says to the curly haired blond who I guess was Tania . She looks back at her family and looks at Ness who is now here with Jake . Ness tries puts her hand on Tania's cheek but she backs away a bit , "don't be scared , it's her way of communicating " Bella says . Ness puts her hand on Tania 's cheek and shows her powers and how she was not a threat . Tania looks at ness in amazement and says "it's true" to her family . " she's not immortal " she adds , they all walk up to us curious .

All of our family had to go through this fear , the fear of the volturi .

My wolf //Jacob Black\\ COMPLETED Where stories live. Discover now