Is this an end to them?

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Aryav somehow understood it is not her fault, there is something which he is missing out, a part of his conscience was guilty that he doubted her. He decided to apologize but again the other part of him was so arrogant that it does not let him do so. It was already evening he went home in need of some rest and peace, but his body did not allow him to do so, he could not sleep for the whole night thinking about the incident that took place in the morning, the way he spoke to her, everything just kept haunting him. He left home and drove to her place, he waited outside her apartment and decided to knock but immediately restrained himself thinking it won't be appropriate to do so at this time. He drove back to his place and waited impatiently for the sun to rise.

The next morning Aryav got ready and drove to Sia's apartment instead of his office, he rang the doorbell continuously almost making the ears burst and the sleeping Sia to bump up on her bed. Sia had returned home early in the morning from Kaira's place. She opened the door rubbing her eyes, and there stood her nightmare infront of her. She just rubbed her eyes to make sure that it isn't her nightmare, but it was real, and he was standing in front of her. Her brain could not process with any word, she stood there blinking her eyes. Aryav stood there seeing her state and he had a smirk on his face knowing it was because of him. Without even seeking her permission he pushed the door wide open and entered inside her apartment, she stood stunned unable to respond anything.

He stood infront of her and ordered, "Ms. Sia you have 15 minutes, I want you to get ready and come down with me". She was fuddled, thinking he is insane or just out of his mind. But she could come up with an answer this time, "Mr. Shegal I'm sorry, I don't think I'll be able to work with you anymore. I will mail my resignation letter by today", she almost fumbled. Those words hit him hard thinking that she is planning to leave, this made him feel even more worse, he stood there staring her, whereas she couldn't look into his burning eyes. "Ms. Sia I assume you have signed the terms and conditions of the company, which clearly states that you can't resign until your contract period is over or unless I want you to do so, and if you violate that you have to face the consequences, I hope you are ready for that ". He mentally patted himself for coming up with such an excuse, but on the other hand Sia's face completely turned pale she did not know what to do, definitely she is not ready to face the consequences, even though she can't work with this devil anymore. Though Aryav came up with this threat, yet he was scared what if she is not ready to change.

In his commanding voice Aryav said, "So you have 15 minutes Ms. Sia, I'll be waiting down". "But Mr. Shegal..", even before she could complete her sentence, he cut her words in between and said, "14 minutes more ", with that he walked out. Sia stood unable to understand what is happening all that she knew was she is helpless she has to obey his orders, she has to work forcefully with him, so without wasting much of her time she rushed to get ready.

Once she came down, she saw him waiting in his car, she knew he was staring at her, but she didn't bother to respond, she just mentally cursed him for his unruly behaviour and her complicated fate and got into the car. She closed the door with a thud which made him realize her rage. On the other hand, Aryav was mesmerized by her beauty he couldn't take his eyes off her, her just showered hair and those angry eyes just made her look more beautiful. He took a deep breath breaking his eye contact and started to drive. The drive seemed to be silent as usual without exchange of any words, Sia wanted to ask him where they are heading to, as she knew they are not on the way to office.

She kept quiet assuming she won't receive the expected answer. Aryav just kept driving without looking at her, suddenly his eyes fell on the rear-view mirror, and he saw a truck speeding up. Initially he didn't bother but later he realized, it is following them, they were now in the outskirts of the city, yet the truck was still behind them, this time it felt to be more in speed, he understood something is wrong. He speeded up and the truck followed his action, and suddenly it hit the car too from behind they felt a jerk. Sia got panicked, but Aryav rushed to escape from the danger, he somehow managed by driving the car faster but the truck seemed to be following them with the same speed. Looking at her panicked state he assured her nothing will go wrong, he didn't have the time to call up anyone, but before he could do anything the truck hit the car hardly which made the car miss the route and they fell into a valley.

Aryav had his conscious, but Sia's vision were blurry he tried to wake her up, she was about to pass out, she could hear the noises around but above all his voice, "Sia, wake up, don't close your eyes, please stay with me", he kept repeating that. He was patting her cheeks she could sense everything she wanted to wake up like he said but her body was betraying her, it was not under her control, her visions became blurrier even his voice was no more audible and suddenly everything she could see was darkness. Aryav was horrified he kept patting her cheeks and mumbled, "Sia, please wake up, don't leave me alone", but there was no response from her. This moment was Aryav's worst nightmare - losing her forever.

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