Searching her, Nearing him

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Sia was with Aryav, he was still unconscious. Even though the doctors informed he is out of danger, yet there was no sign of him regaining his conscious. Both Sia and Arjun were impatiently waiting for him to wake up.

Arjun was continuously attending business calls, so he often went out of the room. Most of the time he was busy handling the calls, so it was only Sia, and Aryav left in the room. Whenever Arjun is out for a call, Sia used to take this as an opportunity to admire Aryav lovingly, or hold his hands, or to caress his forehead. She unknowingly had an urge to do it, even though she knew it was wrong to take advantage of his, state yet it felt good to be around him. When Arjun returned to the room she would immediately back off as if nothing happened in his absence.

Soon a team of doctors entered the room and checked Aryav's health, "How long will it take him to regain his consciousness? If you can't treat him, I make arrangements to shift him to a better hospital", Arjun almost sounded pissed. The doctor calmly answered, "Sir, we have tried our best and as you can see, he is out of danger, and anytime sooner he will regain his consciousness, I request you to wait patiently". Arjun sat down on the chair holding his head. Sia was delighted by the way he cares for Aryav; they were so close to each other and still they are.

It could be anytime when he can gain his conscious, so Sia didn't wanted to leave his side so was Arjun. He was hospitalized in a small town, quite far from where he stayed, it was out of the city, and it would take around 3-4 hours to reach the city. Arjun was just waiting for Aryav to become stable, so they can travel back. He didn't know how Aryav met with this accident, but he knew how terrible he is now.

It was dark outside, yet she didn't move a bit from the place. Just her lips kept moving, with a closed eyes and folded hands, it seemed as if she was mumbling some prayer. Arjun watched all this from a distance, though it was not a situation where he left happy. But seeing someone pray for his best friend and taking care of him, made him feel happy, this is what he always earned for him, someone who truly cares his best friend.

As time passed by it was quite dark outside and he knew Sia should go home now. He stood beside her and cleared his throat, slowly she opened her eyes and noticed. "It's too late now, you should go home", he said. "Its fine, I will stay for some more time", she replied and resumed back to whatever she was doing. Arjun was not ready to take this answer of her. "I'm here with him, you need rest too. Moreover, it's dark now, you should go home". Sia couldn't protest him, and she agreed unwillingly. "I have arranged the driver to drop you home". She just nodded her head without saying a word.

She reached the door, and glanced Aryav back once and left from there. She reached home, she felt tired and completely drained. She was so drowsy that she went to bed and closed her eyes, the only thing she could recollect now is his injured self, his helpless face. She didn't know how he met with the accident, but the doctors said it was a terrible one. When he was brought here for treatment, they almost lost hope that he would survive. But he was a fighter he didn't give up, there was something which made him to fight back. Even he quickly regained from the critical condition, so once he gains his conscious, he will be alright. She endured herself that he will be well soon, with that thought she went to sleep.

The next day Sia woke up being tired, she rubbed her eyes and stretched her hands. And saw through the window that the sun was shining very bright, that's when she noticed the time was already 12 in the afternoon. She quickly dragged herself out of the bed, and got ready, she quickly left and reached the hospital. She went to Aryav's room, but to her dismay the room was empty, there was neither sign of him nor sign of Arjun. She was disappointed by this, she immediately went to the reception and enquired about their whereabouts.

She was informed that Aryav regained his consciousness last night, and within few hours of that he was shifted to Mumbai for his further treatment. This brought a pang of pain to her heart; her eyes immediately became wet. She was happy that he has regained consciousness, but at the same time it made her feel sad that she could not meet him, nor she was informed about his health. But anyways he had been shifted to a better place for better treatment.

She came out of the hospital and stood there thinking, she stays in a small town near Goa, and people like him would never like to stay in such place where there are not many facilities available like he expects. May be that is the reason, he wanted to shift immediately as he regained consciousness. Though she was hurt she decided to forget and move.

Few months passed by, Sia was working in an office near her hometown Goa. She lost her parents when she was very young, from then onwards it was her grandmother who took good care of her. It was her wish that she had to pursue her higher education at Mumbai. Even though she never wanted to stay away from her grandmother, yet she went as it was her grandmother's wish.

Soon after she finished her education, she came back running to her grandmother, and started searching for a job in her hometown. She settled with one too, though it didn't pay her well, she continued to do so, as the workplace was quite near her place, and she doesn't have to stay much far from her granny. Her granny was a kind-hearted woman, Sia has grown up seeing her, it was her granny who encouraged her for blood donations and help people in all possible ways.

Her grandma was the only family she had but her fate had something else written for her, her granny passed away. Sia became all alone and didn't knew what to do, she locked herself in her room for few days, but soon composed herself and resumed back to work, now it's almost a couple of months to it.

During her granny's funeral, she met with one of the gentlemen who consoled her and said to offer her a job, handing over a card to her. She didn't pay much attention to it then, but lately she gave it a thought as she feels gloomy being in this place, it just makes her realize that she has no one left and it's suffocating.

She searched for the card and found it, Shehgal group of companies was engraved in bold letters. She took a good look of it, they were huge having their franchise in many places even in Goa, she saw the contact information which had an email id written over it. Without giving much thought she applied for the job, she didn't accept them to hire though she just wants to give it a try.

Within a few minutes after her email, she immediately got a reply from the other side, for her to attend the interview. This sure made her a little excited, but when she looked over it, she found that she had to attend her interview at the head office at Mumbai. She thought for a while and decided to go.

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