Remembering her

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The ride to her apartment was very quiet, it was so quiet that she fell asleep, sitting next to him. He glanced her once and never turned back to her side later. The rain continued to pour even after they reached near her apartment, she was still sleeping, he started honking continuously which made her jerk out of her sleep. She woke up and looked around to realize, she was still in his car, she immediately released the seat belt around her, mumbled "thanks" and got out of the car as soon as possible.

Since he dropped her near the apartment, she had to walk a few distance through the lane. As it was still raining, she tried to cover her head with one hand and walked faster. As she took few strides she was stopped immediately by a hand, with a fear struck face she turned back. Adding up to her shock it was him standing in front of her, he forcibly handed over an umbrella in her hand before she could realize what just happened or react to his gesture, he went near his car. She stood stunned unable to respond anything. She just waited and watched till his car vanished out of her sight. She couldn't get over the scenario that just happened. There were thousands of questions in her head about his behaviour, this was not him who honked like a mad man just few minutes before. She couldn't predict how he changes time and again. At one moment he seems to be an arrogant monster and the other time he is a different person.

At midst of all this she started sneezing that is when she realized she was still standing there without moving an inch from the place. She walked to her apartment and let out a deep sigh, once she entered, she changed her clothes and dozed off as soon as possible.

Aryav drove aimlessly and finally reached the spot which he frequently visits, he dropped the window glasses and looked through the window, he remembered the most precious moment of his life, which happened few years back and something which he can't forget even if he wants to.
Seven years back, it was the same spot where he saw her for the first time.

It was a rainy day, he was coming back from college, and he was riding his bike, he didn't carry his jacket with him as usual, and suddenly the rain started to pour out, as he couldn't hold any longer so eventually, he ran to a shelter he found nearby. He was drenched completely but fortunately he had his helmet, so his hairs were dry saving him from falling sick, yet he took off his helmet and racked his hair. That is when he heard the sound of someone sneezing, just behind him. He turned back to see and found Sia sneezing continuously, she too was drenched and shivering due to cold. Her face was pale, and her nose had turned red due to her sneeze.

She was a complete mess and looked fragile, his heart just melted looking at her dishevelled self. Her eyes were closed, and she was constantly trying all her might to stop sneezing, but everything just went in vain. This made her look so innocent, all this while it was him who was starring her, she didn't notice that she has someone in the place and the person is already being entertained by her antics. Aryav got a smile plastered on his face looking her struggle, somewhere he found it funny.

He put his helmet back on his head and came out of the place. He searched through the streets and found no one. It was empty and mostly people were standing under shelters to protect them, that is when he lay his eyes on the place at the opposite side of the street. He found a small restaurant and he went nearby and ordered for a ginger tea, though he didn't have much knowledge, but little did he knew it might help her. He bought one for her and quickly ran to the opposite side. She was still there sitting and sneezing, he went near her and stood by her side. He stretched his holding the glass of tea in front of her, after a few seconds she saw it and immediately rose her head up to see him. She saw a man with a helmet on his head, and she couldn't see his face.

Aryav saw her astonished face clearly, those widened eyes, scared of the gesture, those pale nose due to constant sneezing, and the trembling lips, those cheeks which had some dried tears. He got to see her face clearly this time, looking at her a thought came across his head, she was beautiful to him even in her dishevelled state. He was still holding the glass of tea for her and motioned her to take it. But she gave a nod indicating a no, he understood she won't agree with him. So, he forcefully handed the glass in her hand and said "Drink" in a stern voice. She looked scared, but eventually started taking a sip, he stood there till she finished it. He took this time to look at her, she was wearing a white kurta and a multi coloured salwar paired with a multi coloured dupatta, she had a silver jhumka on her ears and silver bangles on her hands. The more he saw her, the more he was driven towards her. That face of her just got deeply penetrated his heart. She drank the glass of tea and mumbled something looking down, which he couldn't hear he yet smiled and just stood starring her.

She was feeling better now at least he didn't hear her sneezing. Unknowingly he was driven towards her, a few minutes later the rain stopped, all this while she was just looking down, and she didn't dare to look his face due to embarrassment. For once she saw that the rain stopped, she just ran out of that place without looking back. Aryav stood there with a smile plastered on his face looking at her go, he just had a crazy feeling. He couldn't understand why his heart felt so happy, was she the reason behind this, just one thing he knew he can't erase that face from his heart, and he just longed to see her again. Though he felt a little disappointment as he couldn't enquire about any of her details. 

Just when he was reminiscing about her memory, he heard the vehicles honking behind him, and he silently drove from there and left the place. From that very day he had a special connection with rain, every time it rains, he gets reminded of her and longs to see her, just as he did long before. Even though she is nearby him nowadays, he still holds back, just scared of being hurt again. With a mixed feeling he drove back to his soulless apartment, which he calls home.


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