Angry Him Puzzled Her

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Sia woke up from her sleep and loud noises of the doorbell erupted her ears. She opened the door and was about to yell at the person but instead she stood surprised looking at the person. Kaira engulfed her in a hug as they met after years. "Pack your things, let's go to my apartment", Kaira said immediately after realising Sia from the hug. Sia glared her, "I can take care of myself Kai". "Yeah, I know you can", Kaira retorted. "Okay at least let me have the honour of dropping you at work, my Highness", Kaira teased bowing down. Sia gave her a smack and went back to get ready. 

Aryav had to attend back-to-back meetings and it was an important day for him, as one of the prestigious project's tenders was supposed to be out today. And at any cost he wanted to grab it, all the competitors have been given opportunity to present their ideas and the best out of it in all aspect will get this project. He had been working for this from months, he never disclosed much of his ideas to anyone, very few of his staffs were working in this project with him, Sia too was a part of it. He had his business in many firms and food industry was one of it, and it was indeed a big deal that he did not want to lose. He had been concentrating on this project from a quite a long time.

He came to office early in the morning and had locked up himself in his cabin, when Sia entered the office, he was already there. He had not once called her today for any work, which was strange as from the time she had been to this office he never allows her to sit in peace, he will always pile up work for her. She could not actually take this weirdness of him, and this made her a little worried, she understood that something is wrong with him today, he is tensed for sure about the project. She wanted to help him, she too understood his level of stress, but at the same time she was scared for being scolded if she interrupts him.

While she was still thinking what to do, his office door immediately open and he came out rushing. "Follow me", he ordered without even glancing her. She immediately understood his signal, picked up her notepad and laptop and ran behind him. He was in a hurry he pressed the elevator and as soon it opened on the 16th floor he hurried in, and she followed him. Even inside the elevator he did not look at her, he was glancing his watch now and then. Sia just mentally thought of him like a superman jumping off and moving from one place to another and she let out a giggle at that thought. He heard her giggle and earned a scowl from him, her whole body stiffened looking him stare and she became quite immediately.

Throughout the ride in car, he was checking his presentations, and Sia was as quite as possible. They reached the venue and entered the room where the panel was present. There were a lot of competitors present to represent their ideas, he spotted the rival company too. He sat down and pointed at the chair next to him indicating Sia to sit beside him, she was scared but followed his action immediately as she didn't know when he would change his mind.

Aryav once again glared in the direction of his rivals, they have been his competitors from past few years. When he started his business five years before he started everything from the scratch, initially his father owned this business but he couldn't make it big, they lost everything they had, but he didn't lose hope and took up the business and brought it up to the top. Today everyone in the room knew who he is, and he could sense the fear they all have looking at him. It gives him a feeling of dominance, but he is not satisfied with this success he urges to do more. His rivals have been trying to put him down in all sorts of ways, but he had conquered them, he had been grabbing all the projects which they thought they will do. Even today he knew they would have planned to do so, but he will not give them a chance. Admist the chaos within himself he looked at Sia sitting beside him, he did not get to admire her today as he usually does. A smile crept on his face looking at her sitting beside him. She was fidgeting her fingers nervously; he felt an urge to hold those fingers of her but stopped his desire to do so.

The competitors were asked to present their ideas, one by one everyone expressed their ideas. Aryav was looking keenly at their presentations, yet he would often look at Sia, but on the other hand she had a straight face and even she was observing the ideas being presented but never look at his direction. It was now their rival company's turn to present their ideas, as usual Sia was concentrating but suddenly her face beamed into a smile looking at Kabir, standing in front of her, and this was immediately noticed by Aryav and he gripped his hold on the chair.

The rivals started presented their ideas as soon as they did that beaming face of Sia turned into a shock. She looked towards Aryav and he was already gritting his teeth and looked her with a burning anger, she was scared to look at him she didn't know what to do. They have copied their presentation and ideas word by word not even a single change in that, he had been preparing for this so hard, but how could this happen. Sia was tensed she did not know how to react, they do not even have so much time to prepare for a new one, they are supposed to present after them. While she was still anticipating what to do, a hand pulled her from the chair, she saw it was him she was scared, her wrist was aching she winced in pained he did not bother to stop, rather dragged her out of the room.

He pinned her to the wall she was so fragile, his actions scared her, without warning, her legs became weak. He yelled in anger, "Woman like you will never change", she blinked and realized he is talking about her. She didn't know what her mistake was, what went wrong, she was battling not to cry in front of him.
"I thought you might have changed in all these years, but you are still the same", he continued. She kept looking at him, to get a hint of her mistake.
"If money was all you needed, then you could have asked me, I might have thrown ten times more amount on your face". She was puzzled unknown of what happened and why is he yelling her.

"I don't like calling woman by this name, but you force me to do so, you are just a bit...", he stopped without continuing.
Hearing this her eyes widened, and tears came running down through her cheeks.
"Get lost from here, and don't show your face here after, I feel disgusted touching you", with that he left from that place.

She stood there for a while and tears flew from her eyes without stopping. She continued to sob; she did not expect that he thought so low about her his words were ringing in her head. He assumed that she leaked his presentation to the rivals for money, even that thought made her sob. She went to the washroom let all the tears run down, when she felt better, she washed her face and went back to the room where presentations were being held. This time she sat far away from him, thinking he might insult her in front of everyone.

The rivals were done with their presentation, it was Shegal enterprises turn to present, their name was announced, and Aryav went, Sia was watching him from far she was tensed thinking about his state. He started to talk and then when he presented his ideas, Sia was surprised, it was a different one a completely new one, but what surprised her more was, this is the same idea she proposed during the discussion, she never thought he considered it, as during the time of discussion he didn't even bother to listen to her. The ideas were different it seemed better even than the previous one, that worry turned into happiness, she immediately saw the rivals they seemed to be shocked and tensed. This new idea was more eco-friendly and was very much cost effective, everyone was happy at once the presentation was done everyone in the room applauded for the idea.

The results were declared and as expected Shegal enterprises received the contract. Sia was happy even Aryav had a smirk plastered over his face looking at the rivals, he signed the deal. She immediately left the room, she didn't want to face him she was broken she was hurt; she was blamed for something she didn't do.

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