Rude Him Innocent Her

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Sia made herself comfortable in the new desk, it was equipped with a desktop, files, notepads, some phone numbers, and lot more, she looked at it and let out a sigh in relief. The staffs seemed to be quite cooperative, yet she was a bit nervous thinking how is she going to team up with them. Just when a lot of thought process was going on in her head, she noticed Arjun coming out of his cabin and going towards the elevators.

She diverted herself back to her state and immersed in her own thoughts as she was quite free and got no work to do yet. Out of boredom she opened few files kept on the table and started going through it. As she was immersed with the stuff, she was doing she heard the telephone next to her ring, she picked it up immediately and from the other line she could just hear, " In my cabin immediately", and the line went off. She immediately ran to the door and pushed it open seeking permission to enter.

"Order me lunch", his eyes were plastered on the laptop screen placed in front of him and only his voice could be heard. "Now", he added it after a pause, Sia opened her mouth to ask, what you would like to order for lunch. But before she could continue, he shut her saying, "I don't like being questioned, follow my orders and out of my sight now". She felt offended and immediately left the room, once he was sure she left the place, he averted his eyes to the screen displaying the camera of Sia's desk and watched her movements. From the time she has settled on this desk, he had at least done this a hundredth time.

On the other hand, she was worried about the task assigned to her, this is the first thing he has asked her to do since she has joined to work. She didn't want to ruin it and make a fool of herself. If this was about anything related to her work, she would have shown her efficiency. But she had no idea about the food he likes or the order that has to be placed. She thought of seeking help from Arjun, as he would know his food preference, but she remembered he is not here in the office, and it would not be good to disturb him.

She rubbed her forehead out of stress, she couldn't understand suddenly why she is feeling stressful over a small thing like ordering food for her boss. She found a little courage and few brochures of food delivery items, but nothing seemed to be interesting. She checked her phone for a number and dialled the same and placed an order and kept waiting. This is the same place from where she often orders for herself. She just hoped he would like it too.

After a few minutes her phone ringed again, and delivery boy handed over her the food package. She nervously brought the food to his cabin placed the food in front of him. He looked over it, he saw the food placed in front of him and looked back at her face. He raised his brow, she immediately replied, "Your lunch, Mr. Shehgal". His brow creased and it felt like there are thousands of daggers on the way. "I'm not hungry now, you can take this back".

Sia just blinked hearing that statement. "Is this the way you work here, I told you to order this long back. You are here after almost half an hour. I want my things to be done in an instant".

She was perplexed, she just kept staring him. "Now take this back", those words brought her back, and without a word she took the food back. She was so furious that her grip on the food package was very tight. She was so furious that she just wanted to throw this away in the garbage right now and not face him anytime sooner. But before she could go out of the door he called her back, with a gritted teeth she looked at him. " I don't like wasting food, why don't you eat it". This just made her more furious she shut her eyes to control the anger and her hold on the package just became tighter.

Yet she replied calmly with a smile on her face, "No sir, its fine". "I didn't ask for your opinion, I ordered you to do so". "Sit there", he pointed towards the table in the cabin, "Finish the food and leave after that". She stood there still not wanting to move, "I told you to sit". She sat in front of the table with a gritted teeth and started to eat. It was her favourite food from her favourite restaurant, but it felt like a punishment today. Even though it tasted perfectly, yet she couldn't enjoy eating it nor she felt satisfied.

She felt anger burst out of her, moreover she felt she won't fit to this job as she is not meant to do this. She understood, Aryav was right she can't handle this. She decided to speak about this to Arjun, either she was wants to be transferred to any other department based on her qualification or she would quit from here.

But on the other side, Aryav just watched this from the opposite end, and his lips curled into a smirk. He was happy making her eat, and it felt good that she obeyed his orders. He was not aware about the thoughts Sia had right now.

She rushed out of his cabin finishing the food as soon as possible. She saw Arjun going back to his cabin, without much delay she followed him. She entered his cabin seeking permission, Arjun was confused seeing her here. "I'm sorry, but I couldn't work here, I request you to transfer and search for someone else or I would like to quit.", Sia blurted it out. "Sia, it's just your first day and you are ready to give up", Arjun tried to calm her down, "I know he is hard to handle, just give me some time I will talk to him about this, and I will see what to be done". Sia just gave a nod and walked out of his office.

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