Changed him, Dreamy Her

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"At times in life we tend to choose some path, it's not because it was the best decision but because you can only go with it" - Random thoughts

Aaryav had decided to keep her by his side till she is completely well, even though he knew she won't be agreeing to do so. He came back to the room and found her sleeping peacefully, he sat beside her and waited patiently for her to wake up. As he was waiting, he never knew when he fell asleep, when Sia woke up he was sleeping beside her bed she didn't want to disturb him as she knew he had been running through out without any rest to his body and she has been a reason for his trouble. His soft and smooth hair, his innocent face in sleep tempted her to touch his face, she even took her hand near him but quickly restricted herself from doing so and decided just to stare while he is still sleeping. A smile unknowingly crept through her lips, this man always amazes her, sometimes he is a monstrous boss and then suddenly he turns out to be a caring person.

Soon her bubble burst out as there was a knock in the door and Arjun busted in scaring her, which made Aryav to wake up. Arjun felt a little composed knowing they are safe. He had already come up with arrangements to take them back, he hugged Sia and she gave a smile in return assuring she is fine. He then engulfed Aryav in a hug. They departed from the location thanking people who helped them. As they got into the car the first thing she heard was, "Go straight to my apartment, she will stay there with me", with that her eyes widened, and she immediately looked towards him. His bossy nature was soon on board there was no hint of that Aryav which she saw sometime before could be found. Yet she gained a lot of courage and immediately protested saying, "I want to go back to my apartment". For which she earned a stare and in a stern voice he said, "I'm not here to hear your suggestions, that was my order".

She had no clue about his behaviour though this pumped up her adrenaline, she choose to keep quiet and saw Arjun smirking. Even now she didn't know what he was up to as always. Aryav was still stuck in the incidents that happened and he just want to know the ones behind this. He knew there is surely someone behind this, this was not a mere accident, but this was a planned attempt to murder. He can't let her stay outside knowing the danger and moreover he wanted her to stay close by, so that he can take care of her.

All three of them reached Aryav's apartment, Sia felt a little hesitant to stay there. She was also disappointed that her phone was lost in the accident, so ultimately, she can't contact anyone. She knew Kaira would be disappointed as she disappeared suddenly even, she felt bad as could not inform about her whereabouts. Though Sia was out of danger, and she was recovering, she still had few injuries on her body which was covered with bandages. As they reached the apartment, she was made to rest in the guest room, and immediately both the Arjun and Aryav came out of the room. In the study room, Aryav looked furious, "Search for the ones behind this, I won't spare them "he commanded. Arjun knew he was fuming from within, "As you say", he replied with a nod. "For a moment I thought my world just collapsed, I don't need any excuses I want to see them behind the bars", "I'll handle this", assured Arjun and walked out of the room. Aryav tried to make himself a little calm he can't sit idle knowing that their lives were at danger, his breath doesn't seem to be normal, he decided to walk out to the place where he can find his peace.

He entered her room quietly she was already in deep slumber; he sat nearby and caressed her hair. He knew how mad he may be, how vulnerable he could be just a smile on her face is enough to wipe out everything out of him. He held her hands, he recalled his memory from the accident, for a second, he thought he lost everything, his reason for survival ended, seeing her breath he had regained his faith. She would never know how much he loves her, this empire he has been building is just for her, unknown to her he is living only for her. He doesn't know whether they will end up together or separated forever, but all he knew is he is surviving only for her, and she is the only reason for him to live.

He wiped out the tears and placed a kiss on her hands which he was holding. Cupped her face with his hands and reminisced the memory of her, those memories she is unaware of, memories that are buried deep in his heart. He has been in love with this girl from past seven years may be from the very first day he saw her, but till now never once he expressed it to her, neither he had the courage to do so.

Aryav was the star football player of his college, Arjun and Riya were his pals from schools days and they continued to be even back in his college days. He had a huge group of girls following him everywhere though he never entertained them, and more over his heart fell for the girl he saw on that rainy day. After that day he often waited on that place thinking he may get a chance to see her again, those efforts just went in vain. He never spoke about this to his friends; the passing days were just making him frustrated.

As any other day he was practising on the ground after the college hours, he kicked his ball and within a second, he heard a thud followed by a scream. He went near to check up on that person it was her, yes it was her his eyes become wide open he was grinning uncontrollably. He went more closer to examine her, she was rubbing her eyes wincing in pain, the ball hit her hard. He immediately ran to grab the ice pack and helped her placing at the injury, though she resisted to take it he forcefully placed it on her eyes. He felt bad for what had happened, he has been longing to see her and he got to see her at this state, she was hurt by him. In a while Arjun came by and Sia stood up and tried to walk she almost stumbled, looking at her state Arjun offered to drop Sia home, before she could respond, Aryav signalled him to drop the plan as he wanted to accompany her. Arjun found this to be fishy as Aryav never initiates something like this with any girl, he thought of interrogating later about this.

Sia refused to take any help saying she was staying in the hostel nearby it was manageable, and she continued walking, Aryav followed quietly without letting her know. He waited near the gate outside till she entered the hostel and turned on the lights of her room, she came near the window unknowingly he blushed seeing her and walked away with a satisfaction that his long wait is finally over. Arjun was waiting for him to return, "Sia Dcruz, first year student, she is from Goa, but stays in the girls hostel located nearby our college premises, she has not got close friends yet, can be seen only roaming with her roommate, and probably no boyfriend, is this information fine for now? Or you need anything more?". He stopped after this and waited for him to respond, "Arjun, stop this, you are overreacting, there is nothing as such I was just trying to help her". Arjun heard him with a smirk and said, "The Aryav who never initiates to talk to girls, who ignores everyone, who avoids the queue of girls behind him, finally went after a girl and moreover you are blushing and how can you ask me not to overreact", Aryav could not control but just blush more. "I guess, this has to be shared with Riya", Arjun mentioned. "No, not now", Aryav stopped him immediately. Arjun agreed yet continued teasing him.

After that day Aryav changed his path for morning jog, he would pass by the streets of her hostel to get a glimpse of her, at times he would see her standing near the window sipping her cup, or just staring at the streets, which would make his day. But at times just a closed window, which just distress him especially when the college is closed for vacations or study holidays. Every day he would follow her to the hostel unknown to her, it has become a routine to him, he would wait infront of her window, wherever she was he would follow her without her knowledge just to get a glimpse of her, he even went to Goa once to see her as he couldn't hold back without seeing her for a long time, though she was not aware of that too.

Arjun knowing about this would often tease him and earn a stare in return, Arjun even gave his mobile number to Sia, saying she might need this someday, unknown to any of this Sia stood confused. Aryav had fallen for her, days passed, days became months, months became year, yet he could not confess his feelings for her.

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