Smiling her, Glancing him

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For the next few days Aryav did not interact much with Sia unless it was about work. This made her feel little comfortable. Sia was piled up with work continuously one after another, she neither received any appreciation about her way of doing work, nor there was any complaint so somewhere she understood she was in the right track. There was a lot of meetings that had to be scheduled for him, she made all the arrangements, she accompanied with him to all the meetings and took proper note of everything. It was a busy and hectic day for both of them.

It was 7 in the evening, and she was already drained now she just needed some coffee and sleep. She looked through her desk and found the other employees leaving, she realized it was her time to leave too. She quickly packed her bag and as she was about to leave, his door flung opened, and he came out rushing, seeing her leaving he raised his brow, "Where?", she investigated his face but didn't utter a word. He added quickly with a stern voice, "You will stay until I'm here". She opened her mouth to refuse,but without a word she sat back at her desk throwing her bag down, as she knew it won't be of any use when it's him.

After about 15 minutes, another pile of files was placed on her table, and she was told to finish it by today itself. This has become a routine now; he would pile her desk with files. She had no energy to read anything or to do any further work today, yet she strained herself to do the task. It was already 9 and she was still stuck with him in the office, and still half of the pile was remaining.

She felt a bit annoyed, his door just flung open again and he came out. He stood near her desk for a while and said, "You can leave now", "But I'm not done with the files yet, you said to finish it by today itself", she retorted. He scrunched his nose and said, "These files are not important anymore, they are supposed to be discarded, you can leave them". She just turned pale with anger hearing those words, the thing with which she had invested her time and effort was just to be thrown. She closed her fist to control the anger, she turned back and scanned for her bag. As she found it, she left from there hitting the elevator button, once she entered inside, she screamed out with anger, he was just a monster, and she understood why no one liked working with him, why the other staffs give her a weird or pity look when they get to know that she is his secretary. She just wished to quit.

She came out of the building and waited for the cab, the streets were busy and completely packed, fetching a cab was really a difficult thing out there. She waited at least for half an hour but couldn't find one. Soon a black Bentley Bentyga stood by her side, and she glanced it, the glass went down and it was him blocking her way, she gritted her teeth and stood there neither she made a move nor he did. With a stern voice he said," Get in", she blinked her eyes twice and said, "No, I will manage". "It was not a question, it was an order", he continued with the same stern voice.
"Mr. Shehgal, but...", he cut her sentence midway and said, "Get in". She looked around there was no cabs available and at top of that her phone's battery was zero she can't book one, even if she decides to take the bus it was crowded and had a long queue, so she decided to give up her stubbornness and ended up getting in, as of now all she wanted was some rest from all the donkey work she did the whole day.

As soon as she got in, she pulled up the seat belt and sat comfortably, whereas a smirk was plastered over his face which didn't vanish sooner. She not once looked towards him, rather preferred to look through the window. It was the month of August in Mumbai, when they were still driving it started to pour outside. The raindrops started running through the windows, Sia just enjoyed the view and a smile crept through her lips and as it was pouring out heavily those smiles became more wider causing a dent in her cheeks showing her dimples.

He glanced those mesmerizing eyes looking through the windows and those smiling lips showing her dimples just made him smile too, he kept on glancing her. He couldn't concentrate on his driving; his eyes would turn towards her every now and then to see those heart smoothing view sitting next to him. His heart just drifted back to the memory when he saw her for the first time, it was a rainy day like this. Those memories are still fresh in his heart, which brought a slight smile on his lips.

He knew she is irritated with him due his behaviour this evening, he knew it would irritate her if he told her that these files are for discard. He had already kept those files for discard, but as he saw her leaving, he couldn't think of a better plan to make her stay. After many years he had seen her, at the very first moment he couldn't think of anything, though he yelled at Arjun for doing so, yet he was happy within for his decision. He even knew Arjun would convince him even if he denies approving her. He kept  her up with work purposely so that she won't move from her place. Even though it make him happy being around her, yet he don't want her to know about it and has no plans of revealing it to her anytime sooner. 

A smile crept on his face but soon it vanished, and an anger came over. His hold on the steering became very tight and he drove faster, to her her apartment.

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