Caring Him Unknown Her

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The next day when Sia entered the office she was already sneezing, in the elevator, in her desk, it felt as if it were only her sneeze that could be heard throughout the corridors of office. She was already pale from sneezing constantly from last night and her nose turned red. She was feeling tired and didn't intend to attend office today, she thought of taking the day off, but she couldn't do so as she had an important meeting to attend today and if she goes missing today, then definitely the monster in him would arouse. Scared by that thought she decided to attend and skipped those thoughts, she took some medicines but it didn't seem to work on her health.

Aryav was already present in his cabin even before she arrived, she tried to stay calm and tried to make herself comfortable but suddenly she would sneeze. At midst of the chaos, she was going through, the telephone in front of her rang asking her to visit his cabin. She let out a sigh, took some tissue papers with her and went to his cabin, he gave her a list of files that must be kept ready and few documents that needs to be typed and few for edit. While she was still inside his cabin, she at least sneezed 9 times interrupting him, actually she lost her count after some time, as it didn't seem to stop, she knew he was staring at her and he would be annoyed by this, but she can't help at the moment and she didn't dared to look into his eyes, nor his face. She kept her head low and ensured that she is escaping from that place as soon as possible.

She came out of the room immediately and headed towards the washroom to freshen up and to make herself feel a little better. It has been a forever issue for her, if she gets wet in the rain then the sneeze will not leave her for a while, she just feels helpless at that situation. She came back to her desk, and she was amazed to find a cup of ginger tea on her table, it was hot it seemed as if it has just been served. She wondered for a while who kept it here, then her eye fell on the note kept nearby it, it had her name written on it- to Ms. D'cruz. That's when she realized it is for her, then again it bothered her who could have done this, she felt may be Arjun might have ordered one, looking her sneeze as the unpredictable boss of her could never think of something like this, but then she realized he is out of city for work, letting a sigh keeping all the thoughts aside, she nervously picked up the cup of tea and took it nearby she couldn't sense any smell due to the bad condition of her nose, she ignored it and took a sip, as soon as the tea hit her taste buds her eyes widened and immediately she kept the cup down.

Her heart started thumping, she could hear her heartbeat felt so loud. It is the same her brain repeated continuously, she wondered how it could be possible. She recollected her memories from past it is the same aroma, the same taste and probably the same ginger tea. The person just flashed in front of her, whom she never saw again, she did not even see the face of that stranger, he had put his helmet covering his face, even if he stands in front of her, she would not be able to recognize him. She was so scared to trust him, she did not dare to look at him because of embarrassment, as she was sneezing constantly, but he was so kind-hearted, he helped at her worst, but she did not even thank him. After that incident whenever it rains, she had often waited in the same bus stop, just in case if he too joins in and maybe he might try to talk to her, and she could recognize him and thank him and apologize for being so ill mannered in the past. But that never happened, rain only reminds her of him, that helmet covered face, that strong hands which forced the cup of tea in her hands, his gentleness, his care. She had even imagined how he might look, but all in vain she could never figure out who he was.

But suddenly after many years, the same tea is kept on her table, when she is in the same mess but still, she could not figure out who he was. It bothered her so much, she stood up from her place and went through her corridor enquiring if anyone came here, but she could only find that it was the waiter from the canteen. She thought of going to the canteen immediately to enquire who placed this order for her, but then she realized she is under the monster's surveillance he might burst out anytime. So, she mentally noted to do her investigation later.

All this while he watched her through the CCTV camera, last night when she stepped in the rain out of his car the very moment, he knew she would fall sick. So, he immediately ran to handover umbrella to her but by then she was already drenched. He just hoped that she doesn't falls sick again, but when in the morning he saw her in that state he couldn't hold it, though she tried to be normal, he knew it would be difficult for and before it becomes severe, he thought of doing something, he was waiting for her to move out of her desk and as she did he immediately placed an order of ginger tea for her, like he did the last time so at least for some time she would feel relieved, as expected she had it but soon she started checking out through the corridors, it made him realize that she is looking out for the person which is him.

He didn't want her to know that he cares for her, so he immediately warned the respective person that not to disclose anything about him.

But on the other side Sia eagerly wanted to know who that person was. She had a bundle of questions revolving in her head, is it the same person or someone else, if it is the same then why he is hiding from her, or it is just a mere coincidence, and how does he know she is here? Is he stalking her? If yes, then why is he doing so? Or what if he is working in the same premises? she was just puzzled from all this, and she was just waiting for her lunch break to happen, so she could run down to the canteen and enquire about the person.

As she got her break, she came down to the canteen and enquired about the tea ordered for her, but it just went in vain as even they did not disclose her any valuable detail. this made her feel a little disappointed, she just brushed her thoughts and decided to drop the idea of searching.

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