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The next day, I was doing nothing. And the day after that wasn't much different. Just laying on the couch, drowning in my own sorrow as my parents were at work and I had nothing better to do. Someone rung the doorbell.

I sighed deeply and heaved myself off the couch, walking over towards the frontdoor. Who in the Hell was bothering my process of trying to heal my heartbreak?

I opened the door. "Brennen?"

"Jesus, Ellie, what the fuck is Kansas so cold for? Let me in, my Californian ass is freezing," he said, rubbing his hands together.

I frowned, not moving one inch. "What are you doing here? You should be a couple states west."

"Let me in, Elisha," he sternly replied. "I'm cold and we need to talk."

I rolled my eyes and stepped aside, he marched into the house. "Well, come in, I guess," I muttered.

"So," he started as he sat down onto the couch. "I need to talk to you about Colby."

"I don't want to talk about Colby," I replied. "I'd appreciate it if you never said his name again."

"No, Ellie, you don't understa-"

"Oh, I do understand," I interrupted him. "You're just here to-"

"Shut up!" he exclaimed. "I did not drag my ass all the way to shitty, cornfield ass Kansas for you to interrupt me!"

I closed my mouth. He did have a valid point, he was here all the way from California. "Okay," I nodded.

"Thank you," he sighed and grabbed my hands in his. "Listen. Whatever you thought you saw, it was not what it looked like."

"Then please, by all means, explain. And I don't want you to lie to me, okay? I've had enough of that shit," I spoke.

"He wasn't about to do anything with Charlotte. She came onto him, not the other way around. There was no consent in whatever was going on and he was about to push her off immediately when it happened. You just walked in at exactly the wrong time," he replied. "And this is not just based on what Colby said. This story is about to get a lot crazier."

I tilted my head. "He was shirtless and her dress was unzipped. Who did that then? The Midnight Man?"

"He had spilled a drink on his shirt and was changing, she walked in and unzipped her dress herself at an attempt to seduce him," he replied. "We found out why she looked so familiar when we were at VidCon."

"What's that?" I asked.

"She has a pretty large fanpage about Colby," he sighed and swallowed loudly. In the process of me getting hurt, I forgot that Brennen was just as affected as I was. "She used me to get to him. I received screenshots from fans who had conversations with her where she talked about what she was going to do. I can show you those. She planned the whole 'kissing Colby' stunt."

I shook my head. "I can't fucking believe it. I believe you, but I can't believe someone would do that."

"I have proof," he said softly. "Colby was the victim in all of this. He loves you, Ellie. And he lost you."

"I love him too, I just can't do this anymore. Left and right people are either trying to get between us, insulting me and generally saying really nasty stuff in the process, or they just hate my entire being in general. A few months ago, my biggest worry as a small town Kansas girl was whether or not I would be able to find the right outfit for this bipolar weather," I ranted. "It's taking a toll on my mental health."

He shook his head. "I can't believe you, Elisha. How many people find true love in this generation? Because I'll tell you: not a lot. Don't waste this. At least talk to Colby. He's been an absolute wreck, holding himself together at VidCon for his fans but only with thin strings. Please. I will get on my knees and beg you if I have to. He trusted you blindly when people started saying you slept with me, now it's your turn to return the favor. Talk to him."

I hadn't noticed the tears streaming down my face until now. I pulled my hands from Brennen's and wiped my eyes with the back of my hand. "Okay."

"Really?" he shot up. "Hallelujah."

"I'll call him," I nodded.

"Oh, no," he chuckled. "My boy is outside in the car and I am now leaving to get him."

"Brennen, wait," I meant to say, but he was already out the door.

I sat down in defeat and stared at the television where some dumb show was still playing. I heard the front door close, and I braced myself for the worst.

However, when I laid eyes on him, all I could focus on was the pain that his eyes held. He looked like a mess, and he probably felt like it too. I was the exact same.

"Is it true?" I asked.

He sat down on the other end of the couch. "Is what true?" he replied softly.

"That she came onto you and you had no interest in her at all?" I asked.

He sniffed. "Why would I ever have interest in a girl that isn't you? You are everything to me, Ellie. Everything."

I looked down, not being able to look at his face anymore. I was sure I would cry even worse if I did. "I believe you," I said, but it came out as a whisper.

"Will you please come back to Cali with me?" he asked, I was sure his eyes were hopeful.

I shook my head. "I can't. I can't do it anymore."

"Elisha, I can't live without you," he replied, his voice cracked halfway through. He reached for my hands and held them as Brennen did earlier.

"I'm so sorry, Colby," I said as I looked up at him. "I have never loved someone as much as I love you, but I can't. I need time."

"How much?" he asked softly.

I shrugged and whispered. "I don't know. A lot."

He nodded and let go of my hands. "I will wait my entire life if I have to."

"No, Colby," I pleaded. "That's the thing. I want you to move on."

His facial expression turned confused, and then worried. "No, Ellie."

"I'm sorry," I replied softly and wiped away my tears. "I'm so sorry."

He lifted my chin up with his fingers. He was crying as well, and if I even had one more piece of my heart left - it shattered at the sight. He sighed quietly. "Can I at least kiss you one last time?"

I sniffed. "Okay."

He leaned in and connected our lips in the softest manner he had done yet, and kissed me passionately.

It seemed like it had only lasted half a second once he pulled away. I wanted it to last forever.

But it couldn't and I knew that.

"I love you," I whispered as he stood up.

He wiped his tears away and softly smiled at me. "I love you more."

He walked out of my sight. Seconds later, I heard the front door shut.

• • •

[Author's note]

This is the last actual chapter of In the Middle Of It All! Next is the epilogue and then it's over. :(
It's been a wild ride and I want to thank you all for joing me throughout it!Thanks so much for 2k by the way!! You hold my endless gratitude for reading and voting and commenting and I love you. ♡

Until next time!

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