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The next couple days consisted of me putting my stuff in boxes. Some of them were important, and others we would just shove into my parents' basement.

"I'm exhausted," I said as I plopped onto the couch. We had been moving for five days now and the house was finally empty. It was already the 15th of January and time had gone by so fast. I hadn't heard much from Colby, or any of my LA friends besides Kat. I just figured they were all very busy and Kat had told me Sam and Colby were in Florida by now to film for their duo channel. Asides from that, I had been very busy as well.

"Understandable," my dad replied. "You should get some sleep."

I nodded. "I will. There's something I have to talk to you guys about, though."

"I knew this was coming," my mom laughed. "If you really want to move to Los Angeles, you should just do it, sweetie."

I frowned. "How'd you know?"

"Oh, Elisha," my dad said. "We could see it on you face as soon as you walked out of the airport. And besides, no one really goes to Los Angeles without falling in love with it."

I chuckled. "I guess so, glad y'all take it so well. Goodnight, guys."

"Goodnight, honey," my mom replied and I went upstairs to my old room and fell asleep quickly.

The next day I didn't do much except for take naps. When it was around 9 p.m. I had fallen asleep on the couch, only to be harshly awakened by my ringtone.

"God damn it," I muttered and went to look at the caller ID. Charizard, it said. I frowned and answered. "Hey Jake, what's up?"

"Hey Ellie, I just called you to see if you'd heard from either Sam or Colby?" he asked.

"I haven't heard from either of them in, like, two days. Why? Is everything alright?" I asked worriedly.

I heard him speak on the other side of the phone to whoever was there with him 'she hasn't heard them either'. He let out a little sigh. "Kat and I have been trying to reach them all day but neither of them is replying. But-"

He got cut off by someone on the other end of the line. "Holy shit," I heard him say and he went back to talking with me. "Apparently our fans found them."

"What?" I said. "Where?"

"They're in jail, in Florida. God damn it, Ellie, I gotta go. I need to figure things out," Jake rambled. "Shit."

"Yeah, I'll talk to you later," I said and hung up. "Om my God."

"You alright, kiddo?" my dad said as he walked into the living room.

"Dad, I need to go back to LA," I replied, reaching for my laptop.

He looked at me confused. "When?"

"Like, now," I said. "I need to catch the earliest flight I can get."

My dad looked at the clock. "That's probably tomorrow. Pack your bags, I'll handle the flight," he replied. "And your mother."

I chuckled and handed him my laptop, rushing upstairs. "Thanks dad!"

Packing went a lot easier this time, as I knew exactly what I had to pack, about halfway through, Jake was calling me again.

"Hey, have you heard anything yet?" I asked.

"Yeah, we called the jail," he said. "We're going to try to bail them out."

I sighed in relief. "What are they in for?"

"Trespassing, apparently," he replied. "Everyone is working on it."

"I'm flying out to LA tomorrow, Jake," I spoke. "I feel too helpless here."

"Text me the time and I'll come get you at the airport," he answered. "I bet Sam and Colby could use the support when they get back here. And I'll admit, we've all missed having you around."

I chuckled. "Thanks, Jake. I'll text you once my dad gets back to me."

"Alright, then," he said. "I'll see you tomorrow."

"I'll see you," I replied and hung up the phone. I continued packing and was just zipping up my suitcase when my dad walked into my room.

"Tomorrow at 11 p.m., the other flights were completely full," he said, handing me the paperwork he'd printed out along with my laptop.

"Thanks, dad," I thanked him. "What did mom say?"

"Well, she's sad you're leaving already but she does also realize you're 20 and you do whatever you please, so," he laughed and helped me get up. "She'll be okay."

I nodded and my dad continued. "Why do you have to leave so suddenly?"

"Sam and Colby got arrested," I replied, scratching the back of my neck. I watched as my dad's expression faded into shock.

"For nothing bad, I hope? Well, of course it's bad if they got arrested for it, but could you enlighten me before I send you off to them?" he asked me, looking worried.

"They're YouTubers, dad. They were in Florida filming in an abandoned building and got caught trespassing," I explained and chuckled about what I was going to say next. "And you shouldn't be one to speak, you've gotten arrested before."

"Because I wasn't wearing my seat belt and the officer was in a moody day," he retorted, chuckling as well. "But if that's all they're in for, you're free to go."

"Cool," I said. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I'd like to go sleep. Goodnight, Darth Vader."

"Goodnight, Stormtrooper," my dad laughed and left the room.

I quickly texted Jake.

You to Charizard: i have a flight tomorrow at 11 p.m. here so that means i'll arrive around 12 a.m. LA time, i can uber if that's too late for you :)

Charizard: no it's fine! i'll make sure to be there in time! :)

You to Charizard: thanks jake!

I plugged my phone into my charger and quickly stuffed my tablet and laptop into my backpack. I changed into my sleeping attire and went to sleep. 

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